Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Graves: We must make good on our promise to build the wall

(From Sixth District Congressman Sam Graves)

Our immigration system is broken.

It’s broken because of a porous border and lax enforcement of current law. Citizens of our country shouldn’t be subjected to harassment, injury and even murder because we haven’t effectively secured our border or enforced our laws.

Securing our border means building the wall. It’s not just campaign rhetoric. There are many places along our southern border that absolutely require it. There is just no way to safely and regularly patrol some of those areas and a physical barrier is a proven solution. I believe our primary goal in fixing the immigration system should be to control and defend our borders. Period.

Combine a physical barrier such as a wall with technology and manpower and you have a recipe for success in ensuring that our country is adequately secured. Several years ago, a section of border in Arizona added a barrier and more border agents. Those actions resulted in an 83% decrease in illegal entries.

The facts don’t lie; effective border security works.

That’s why I was happy to support a recent increase in funding for building a border wall and other border security measures. However, we have to do more. We must dedicate more funding to border security and we must make good on our promise to build the wall.

Once we do that, then we can look at immigration policies in place that undermine our nation’s security and immigration system.

Solving the illegal immigration problem won’t happen overnight; however, securing the border would go a long way towards improving our current situation. Our immigration problems didn’t occur overnight; they have grown steadily due to decades of inaction and bad policy. It’s time we act for the safety, security and sovereignty of our nation.


  1. Anonymous6:55 PM

    The promise was a race-baiting lie. Trump said "We're going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it." Now he wants to use tax revenue when our infrastructure is in terrible disrepair to build a wall. Our biggest immigration problem in this country is workers visas that corporations petition for to hold down the cost of wages to increase their own profits. Migrant, destitute farm workers are not the problem. Software companies that import a lower wage workforce and poultry plants in NW Arkansas and SW Missouri that bring in workers from the Middle East at lower wages instead of providing a rate of pay that will attract employees is the real problem. But we can't admit that's the real problem. Corporations aren't brown and obviously brown people are the real cause of our stagnant economy.

    " long as the demand curve for high-skill workers is downward sloping, the influx of foreign high-skill workers will both crowd out and lower the wages of US high-skill workers."

  2. The very first Constitutional duty of the President is to secure the business border. We have the most unsecure in the entire world. Enjoy America.
    Obama’s catch and release program gave us a dead girl in San Francisco. That should thrill liberals everywhere.
    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text

  3. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Harvey- You need to do some research. The man was not convicted of murder. The gun was actually stolen gun from a Bureau of Land Management agents car. The man you refer did not steal the gun. He was charged as a convicted felon in possession of a gun though. The bullet bounced off of the pavement and witnesses said it was accidentally fired. Glad you were not elected, you play to lose with facts.

  4. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Have we considered building a separate wall around the 4 State area to protect the rest of the nation?

  5. Anonymous7:15 AM

    You are living under the false ass-umption that your so called president knows anything about the constitution. If he did he wouldn't be destroying it by breaking the emoluments clause or allowing the Russia connection to dictate his policy. Putin loves his "liddle" buddy Spanky Trump. Trump's love for Russia gave us Trump as President. That should thrill the "party before country" republicans everywhere. We have the most insecure president in the world. Enjoy America!

  6. Anonymous7:26 AM

    To Moron Graves:

    And I quote: "That’s why I was happy to support a recent increase in funding for building a border wall and other border security measures. However, we have to do more. We must dedicate more funding to border security and we must make good on our promise to build the wall."

    Did you not hear your glorious oligarch mention that Mexico was going to pay for the wall? Have you developed selective amnesia? Where is this money going to come from? Now President Sphincter wants the military to pay for it. Did your support for lowering taxes on the rich and corporations figure in to paying for the wall? You were a big deficit hawk during the last administration and now you want big spending as long as the lower and middle class pay for it. "WE" didn't promise to build and pay for a wall. Pedal your hate, vitriol and damned lies somewhere else. Tax your rich owners and corporations to pay for your insecure wall. Or are you afraid they will stop padding your bank account?

  7. Anonymous7:38 AM

    @4:25 AM - SPOT ON! This un-constitutional administration has admitted to basing it's policies on Alternative Facts. Thank you Kellyanne Conway! The Republican party is now running on alternative facts, conspiracy theory and their National Enquirer bibles! Facts have no place in alternate reality. So go the lemmings who blindly follow this inept president.

    Reality = three good choices for Joplin City Council!

  8. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Graves is an idiot.

    Support funding to pay for a wall that Mexico is supposed to pay for, cut taxes on corporations and the rich, then he wants to add a "per-mile tax" so he can tax you for every mile you drive.
    "Drivers could pay a tax based on how many miles their vehicles travel under a plan being pushed by Missouri Rep. Sam Graves, who's vying to become the powerful new chairman of the House Transportation Committee.
    Graves is promoting the per-mile tax as an alternative to raising the gasoline tax, a long-discussed way of providing more money for highway construction and repair.
    While exact plans for such a tax remain vague, the fees could be calculated based on odometer checks, GPS devices, cellular technology or radio-frequency identification devices that would track how far a vehicle travels and charge drivers accordingly."

    Isn't that amazing? Typical Republican. Of course corporations will get a break since they will be using all of their tax cuts to buy back stocks and stock purchases to help their poor millionaire stock holders. Don't believe the crap about the per-mile tax as an "alternative" to the gas tax. It will, if it passes, ride right along with the gasoline tax. Who is going to verify the odometer checks? Who is going to be tracking your GPS device? RFID tags to track you and your travels? How Orwellian. This is coming from the "keep government out of your personal lives" party. You can't make this stuff up.

  9. To 4:25 Anonymous
    That was his fourth time back in ILLEGALLY!!
    So, he just stole himself a gun, and it “accidentally “ went off.
    Had not been here, the girl would be alive.

    When it happens to your daughter, you can gloat some more

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

    1. Anonymous5:07 AM

      Go back into the racist hell hole you crawled out of Harvey. So glad you lost City Council race. Joplin needs love more than ever, no hate.

    2. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Racist! Racist! Racist!

  10. Anonymous5:34 AM

    The most irresponsible thought processes imaginable here. Why have boarders at all? Why put locks on the front doors of your homes? Bleeding heart idiots who are too busy trying to sound nice to realize the damage they cause with their own stupidity.
    Open the boarders. Then why not open your home and let the throngs of homeless in this country come in and make themselves comfortable. What is the danger in that?

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Go home, you're drunk. I'm sure you're the same kind of person that throws a fit thinking gun control is ineffective and an overreach. Don't worry, the brown people aren't going to swarm in and steal your job. Open borders are just a fantasy you make up to feed your constant fear complex.

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      If there is no border control, there is no border. I don't believe that people who believe that laws of a sovereign nation should be obeyed are afraid, I believe them to be law abiding. Don't care if the law breakers crossing those borders are brown, black, yellow, white, or purple. The law of our country says that immigration happens in a certain way and I believe we should follow the law.
      Your jump to racism is a the most uneducated attack that leftist use at every turn. Race race race. Then you are the same people who point fingers at others who have never mentioned race and accuse them of being racist. Look in the mirror and ask yourself why you are so obsessed with race.

    3. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Okay righty, we'll let's look at ways to make it easier for people to legally immigrate to our country; instead of building a worthless wall to separate us from an allied country. I'd rather we use that money to fix crumbling roads, bridges, schools etc. I assume your beliefs (which are totally ignorant and out of touch) are racist because of your us against them mentality. Call me a leftist or whatever dumbass shit you want to, but at least I'm not telling other human beings that they don't belong and need to stay in their own space, just because their culture doesn't match. How Christian of you. Oh and if you understood stats, you'd already know immigration legal and illegal has been on a downhill slide for years on the southern border.

    4. Anonymous8:25 AM

      You read a lot into a post that isn't there in order to attack to defend your worldview. Which of my beliefs are out of touch? Obeying and following laws that are in place? So, we now live in a post-law, anarchist society? Is that what you are trying to say? If so, don't ever call law enforcement if you are ever in need. As a society, we are apparently past our dates ideas like law.
      I never told other human being that they don't belong or that they do belong. I simply stated that we should follow the laws that are in place.
      Furthermore, you assume that I am a right and Christian or whatever "dumbass shit" (very well said, by the way), but outside of my view of upholding the current laws being right of your apparent anarchist views, I don't think you know anything about my political stances or my faith or my lack of either. So, if you understood reading you would see that my post was concerned not with politics, race, religion or stats (which I trust by the intelligence of your response that you do in fact have a firm understanding of), but rather with law enforcement.

    5. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Wow that took you all day to come up with? Bravo captain America. What this boils down to is how conservatives love to rail against overeach (gun control, gay marriage, environmental protections, etc) but are fine with building an expensive giant wall and swarming the border with national Guard troops to "stop illegal immigration". Hypocrisy know thy name. We can agree that laws need to be enforced, but we disagree on the incentives for making that happen. When crops rot in the field and we don't have enough people to work in our meat processing/packing plants, maybe we'll rethink our policies on letting people in to do back breaking work average Americans aren't willing or able to do. People are literally risking their lives to enter our country, for a better life, because entering the legal way is often a bureaucratic nightmare. We should be able to come up with bipartisan solutions for that.

    6. Anonymous5:47 AM

      People risk their lives to rob banks, but it doesn't make them heroes or dreamers. It makes them law breakers. Just like illegal immigrants are law breakers. How is a wall an over reach? (Comparing a wall to gay marriage is an over reach) How do we pick and choose which laws we decide we want to obey? Maybe the immigration laws need updated. Maybe gun laws need updated. Maybe environmental laws need updated. Maybe traffic laws need updated. But until they are, laws that are in place need to be enforced. It is that simple. That is not over reach. It is common sense.
      As far as your continuing name calling and snarky quips, it makes you come across like an angry tool who has a hard time expressing his/her/its self without resorting to juvenile antics. You make valid points about laws needing updated possibly, but you muddy your own water by acting like an asshole.(I hope that the irony, isn't lost.)

  11. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Harveys reading comprehension is clearly pretty weak. Maybe you should look it up, you'll see that he didn't "stole himself a gun". Also, "had he not been there" it's very likely someone else would have made the same mistake with the same consequences, that's how accidents work.

  12. Anonymous1:39 PM

    So who is paying for the wall again? Mexico? The Military? Dreamers?

  13. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I'd like to think that instead of building a stupid wall that we build something truly monumental. Like a pyramid!

    Just think how yooge the pyramid could be if we used all the materials needed to build a wall.

    Jarhead Kushner's real estate firm could be in charge of marketing and leasing, and Yovanker could design the carpets and sell commemorative t-shirts just as soon as the Chinese can ship them here.

    Put this in a place like Picher and maybe use the chat to pave a parking lot and it could be a game changer!

  14. Mexico controls their border, and don’t let us wonder around down their ILLEGALLY, and Good for them.
    BTW there’s nothing racist about that, or any hate involved.
    It’s las and order, and Mexico , and every other country in the world does a 200 times better job than we do.

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  15. Anonymous8:02 PM

    One more thing about the pyramid.

    Does Harvey want an exclusive on the camel ride concession?

  16. Mexico will help with the wall.
    They want border security also; from theirvsidet.
    They’re already doing their border security light years ahead of us— and good for them.

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  17. Anonymous 9:48
    No ones going to call a coward who hides behind Anonymous and doesn’t give his telephone number

    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Lay off the sauce Harvey. Our country will be a much better place once your close minded generation dies off. You should find a hobby that doesn't involve hating on other human beings.

  18. Anonymous4:29 PM

    The President of Mexico said that they will NOT pay for the wall. What part of that don't you, or your Russian president understand? If you are fool enough to think they will......wait, I forgot, alternative facts. Uh, yes Harvey as a matter of fact they already paid for it. We have the best health care in the universe now, President Spanky is the bestest president in the history of the world, the tax cuts are making us all millionaires, we stomped the world in the trade war and everyone gets a free AR-15. Now, put your tin foil hat on and go stare at the sun.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Alternative facts.
      There is more than one way to skin a cat. Mexico may not write a check but you do realize there is talk of renegotiating NAFTA? Mexico can pay for it without writing a check.

      And can we stop with the Russian crap? For how many years did Republicans scream about Benghazi only to have nothing come out of it? If the current powers had been working with Russians, why are they expelling Russian diplomats? To throw everyone off the trail? No, because like Benghazi there is nothing to the story. It is all just to keep us divided.

  19. It will be as helpful to Mexico as it is to us.

    Temporarily the National Guard will help

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  20. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Make sure that you pay your fair share for sending the National Guard and are you going to put your name on the section of wall you pay for? Don't try spreading any more of your Republican "party before country" lies here unless you plan on shoveling it up later.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Make sure you pay your fair share of the illegals education, health care and food bills.

  21. Anonymous2:45 PM

    @8:56am Who's the real hater??? You stated the world will be a better place when Harvey's generation dies off, Now that is pure hatred and disdain for a large group of folks in this country.. You are the real Hater, you pathetic people that have zero common sense when it comes to border enforcement and enforcing the law's currently in place, I'm amazed at the level of the ignorant lefties that believe in Unicorns and Utopia. The left is only for big government, a government that will dictate what you can and cannot do. History always repeats itself when the citizens fail to learn from the past... Have you noticed the starving people in Venezuela? North Korea? Etc, Socialism and Communism are the same and it's really working out great for those folks eh? I wonder how many cowards would hide in a hole if another war broke out, my guess Millions. The greatest generation this country ever had didn't hide when duty called, they were proud to serve, fight, and die, Not these punks today....Congrats to all the fools that continue to allow themselves to be brain washed. Now Build The Wall!

  22. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Harvey has a different point of view! Quick all you tolerant liberals, attack him!

  23. Anonymous6:37 AM

    I am amazed by the ignorance of the uneducated RWNJs that still vote republican to spite their own existence. They are the same geniuses that hate Obama Care but want the Affordable Care Act. Just incase you don't know, it is the same thing. Now you are blowing about communism and socialism. Paying increases in insurance prices and hospital costs for those that don't want to buy insurance is getting pretty close to socialism isn't it? That is paying for someone else. The countries you mention above are all ruled by some egomaniacal dictator. Kinda like what Trump is working towards. Millions wouldn't fight in a war because their bone spurs would keep them out. Worked for your president. Right wing radical "party before country brainwashing". Hate anything that doesn't have an "R" in front of it's name. NOW PAY FOR THE WALL!! Oh, wait, forgot....Mexico is going to pay for it.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      If my insurance rates increase and I do not recieve a suppliment from the government in order to help pay for it, but others do recieve those supplements to help pay for their increase and the money from that suppliment comes from taxes that I pay, yes that is socialism. Nothing but a transfer of wealth. Yes, Obamacare and the Affordable Healthcare Act are one and the same. And it is ridiculous, travesty that has caused damage to a large portion of the population even as it helped others. The Democrats are solely responsible for it becoming law. The Republicans are to blame for allowing to continue. Neither party is blameless and people like you spouting about how one is better than the other are nothing but biased dupes who eat the crap that they try to feed us I order to keep us arguing with each other so they can stay I power.

  24. Anonymous11:11 AM

    You kinda forgot about the part where the dupes who don't buy insurance had to pay a fine that went into a pool to help subsidize the poor that got the supplement. You actually believe that your taxes, hospitalization and insurance costs wouldn't increase due to the fact that millions opted not to purchase insurance? Yet they would go to the hospital for care and have no way to pay for it. Driving up costs for insurance and hospitalization. There is your socialism. What is wrong with forcing those geniuses who don't want to pay for insurance to pay a fine if they don't have insurance? Normally it causes most of the smarter ones to purchase insurance rather than pay a fine.

    1. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Because it is forcing people to buy something they may not want or need.
      Think about that for just a minute. The government is telling you that you have to buy a product from a corporation. And you are ok with that? Putting regulations and price caps on the healthcare industry makes much more sense than forcing people to buy a product. It really is simple. Way too logical to regulate healthcare prices, but instead a transfer of wealth had to happen. Politicians are crooked and people who buy into the fear tactics make me sick.

    2. Anonymous10:05 PM

      And by the way, you are crazy if you think fines cover all of the subsidies. The way the ignorant law was written only requires a person to carry insurance for a short amount of time during the year to avoid a penalty anyway. So those in your scenario who don't carry insurance and cause your cost to increase, probably will carry it the minimum. So, again the only people hurt are those who follow the rules. It is just like car insurance thing. Off the top of my head, I can name 5 people I know who have been involved in traffic accidents with uninsured motorist. Yet it's a law...

  25. Anonymous8:46 PM

    What is wrong with forcing those geniuses who don't want to pay for insurance to pay a fine if they don't have insurance?

    Because it was thought up by Mitt Romney, who is a RINO!
