Sunday, April 29, 2018

Should I be offended by this?

My first thought was that it had to be a joke.

A few minutes ago while checking my e-mail, I came across a message from Linked In that former Joplin R-8 Superintendent C. J. Huff "would like to join your Linked In network."

Not surprisingly, I am going to pass on that.

Maybe I am just being petty but that is not going to happen and long time Turner Report readers can certainly understand why.

On the chance that it is not on the level, I will not go into detail about the reasons why it did not take me long to make that decision.

Do any of you have any thoughts on this?


  1. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Maybe he is extending an olive branch. Life is too short for grudges.

  2. Hugh Janus phone 6060 8428:26 AM

    Was there a "Go sit on a cactus!" button to click?

    Should I be on Linkedin to stand out from all the other Hugh Janus out there?

  3. Anonymous8:45 AM

    He is just one of many superintendents that used joplin school district for a place to increase retirement or a stepping stone for a better job.they come in change things,cost people jobs because they don't agree with the way things are done they stay a short while and are gone,of to retirement or another school not thinking of those left unemployed,Simpson domer huff are all the same,change fire run.

  4. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Maybe you'll get one from Decker too. Just like Trump, they fear media not spun their way, otherwise known as transparency. Your right to call a spade a spade is essential to our freedom of speech.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Donald Trump... living rent free inside every liberals head. Why is everything about Trump? Because liberals drag him into every conversation.
      Partisan politics are for simple lemmings and you my friend appear to be a simple lemming.

    2. Anonymous10:07 PM

      Watch YouTube's Fox & Friends when Trump calls in to ramble. Remember CJ publicly ridiculing Debbie Fort? This isn't partisan politics but having narcissists in charge who are governing through fear & are not mentally competent to lead. The brash arrogance of Trump & Huff is what causes them to behave so stupidly such as passively aggressively sending Randy an invitation to LinkedIn. Better yet, rushing to complete a school where a student died because of a narcissist's ego. I would rather die a lemming than live as a cockroach running for it's life everytime the light exposes it.

  5. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Are any of the lawsuits still proceeding?

  6. Anonymous11:45 AM

    That is just weird.

  7. Replies
    1. Anonymous9:40 PM

      I was 13 years old once, too. I would have found that funny back then.

  8. Steve Holmes6:37 PM

    Randy, the bottom line is what benefit would you receive from adding Huff to your network? I'm not seeing what it would be, frankly, for either of you. How could you help each other?

    Could it be an olive branch? I suppose. Or a Trojan Horse. If he blames you for Debbie Fort, Jeff Koch, Jennifer Martucci and his "retirement."

    It is perplexing.

  9. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I understand that C J Huff gas taken a job with FEMA

  10. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Slow day, Turner?

  11. Good morning Randy,
    It may have just been his intuitive machine that did it, and he doesn’t even know it was done( happens to and fro me all the time).
    I.e. an honest mistake

    The real problem with school districts in this state—way too many, 500+, 9 in Jasper County.

    It should be 1 per county. In Louisiana there is 2 per each of the 64 Parishes.

    Talk about duplication of efforts and waste!!!!

    I’m sure I just supremely Pusser off every one of these 500 Superintendents— well I’m sorry but their slopping at the trough is being financed by the taxpayers, and the teachers and classroom support staff need the money
    Harvey Hutchinson

  12. Anonymous6:25 AM

    It must have been be working well in Louisiana."there IS two per county"-really?

  13. Mistake, sorry

    ONE (1) per Parish

    This machine is extra intuitive as well


  14. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Or maybe CJ really is a bigger man than you which is really saying something.

  15. Anonymous10:56 AM

    He is just looking for more contact names so when he runs for office he will have a larger database of names.

  16. Anonymous11:33 AM

    What is the latest financial info on Bright Futures?

    Maybe someone needs a new goat rodeo to run?

  17. Steve Holmes11:45 AM

    Harvey's right. The invitation may have been an automated accident.

  18. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I thought he was "retired"...

  19. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Randy you should send CJ Huff a list of questions for him to answer for publication at The Turner Report.

    #1 Why did you request to join my Linkedin network.

    #2-#20: You come up with the rest of the questions.

    If it was a mistake he can say oops!

    If it was serious, let him explain on the record.

    Next week it can be Billy Long's turn in the 20 questions barrel!

    1. Anonymous5:31 AM

      Yes Randy do this. Hell, I would like to be the subject of the 3rd week. I will answer 20 questions for you...

  20. Anonymous5:46 AM

    No, just consider the source. Give yourself permission to ignore.

  21. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Send CJ the 20 questions and listen for him to squeal like a little piggie!
