Friday, May 18, 2018

Cleaver calls on Trump to apologize to John McCain

(From Fifth District Congressman Emanuel Cleaver)

My colleague, Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) and I, introduced a very important resolution this week. H. Res. 901 calls on and encourages the White House to issue a public apology to Senator John McCain for comments made by White House Communication’s Aide Kelly Sadler. The resolution, of which a draft can be found here, states;

“Whereas, on May 10, 2018 in response to Senator John McCain’s call for fellow senators to oppose the nomination of Gina Haspel to lead the Central Intelligence Agency because she oversaw the agency’s use of torture, White House Communications Aide Kelly Sadler was widely reported to have stated, ‘It doesn’t matter, he’s dying anyway’.”

We believe Senator McCain served honorably in the United States Navy and deserves dignity and respect. The President, perhaps more so than any elected official in this great country, should practice the politics of decency. We both agree the comments were unacceptable and a public apology should first come from the White House immediately.


  1. That’s an internal matter.

    If a leaker and traitor is on Rep Cleaver’s Staff , he wouldn’t want those comments all over the world ; and there’d be no apologies from his office

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  2. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Like Harvey, anything coming from Trump is hollow in sincerity and would mean little or nothing except to only those knuckle dragging followers of both of them. Harvey needs to really look through the forest at what is going on in our country and maybe think of voting democrat next time.

  3. Well it won’t be for you, because Anonymous is not allowed on the ballot— only the Turner Report.

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text
