Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Graves: Trump is finally doing away with Obama's weak-kneed foreign policy

(From Sixth District Congressman Sam Graves)

If the world wasn’t paying attention to the United States for the right reasons before, they are now. With the secured release of captives in North Korea, moving the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and the United States’ announced exit last week from the Iran Deal, we are finally doing away with the weak-kneed foreign policy of the Obama administration.

Last week, President Trump announced that the United States will withdraw from the Iran Deal and we will move to reinstate sanctions on Tehran. I can’t welcome this announcement strongly enough. Since it's inception, I’ve said time and time again that we should get out of the deal and I have worked tirelessly to do so.

President Obama put this deal together in 2015, despite the fact that negotiating with the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism was always a terrible idea. The deal removed economic sanctions that were working and offered unnecessary concessions to bad actors in hopes that they would suddenly change their ways when it came to nuclear weapons. The deal gave Iran way too much for way too little in return.

Not only that, but the Iran Deal was negotiated in bad faith. Iran has blatantly violated international agreements, has hidden nuclear sites from inspectors, and has continued its march towards becoming a nuclear state.

As a member of the Armed Services Committee, I voted against the deal when it was first proposed. Since President Obama signed the deal, I’ve worked to help place necessary sanctions on any foreign person or entity that is involved with helping Iran’s missile program.

Preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon should be our top priority and I am glad to see we have a President in the White House who is taking action to ensure that Iran cannot seek, develop or acquire any nuclear weapons.


  1. God bless America, and God Bless our great President Trump!

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  2. Anonymous6:55 AM

    NO! Trading stability for Chaos is not strength. Thought we were done "policing the world" and going to concentrate on infrastructure at home.
    * The other nations involved and international inspectors do not agree with Graves' assessment of Iran. America is defying it's allies now?
    * The move of the Embassy resulted in how many Palestinian deaths during protests? The UN has condemned the move as Israel usurps more territory beyond the borders established in 1947.
    * Then there's legitimizing the North Korean dictatorship for the first time ever. Why? Because they released three people they had captured as recently as last year? (Ignoring the one returned in such terrible condition he died shortly after being wheeled off the airplane?) Or because they agreed to decommission the nuclear test sight that was damaged during the last blast?

  3. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Congrats tough guys. Now sign your kids up.
