Friday, May 18, 2018

Seventeen Joplin R-8 teachers resign, board hires 13, special education director choice rejected

The Joplin R-8 Board of Education accepted 17 teacher resignations during a closed meeting May 10.

The board hired 13 teachers, renewed the contract of a probationary teacher, and rejected a special education director hiring by a 3-2 vote with two abstentions.

Nathan Stewart was hired as assistant principal for Cecil Floyd Elementary School.

Probationary Teacher for Renewal: Betsy James

Certified Employments: Courtney Adrian, Lori Cole, Caleb Durr, Jeremy Finley, Syeda Greenlee, Katherine Hargrove, Zachary King, Elise Murphy, Hannah New, Nichole Selvey, Brandi Shipley, Patricia Tufts, Dayton Whitehead.

Classified Employments: Kerri Clouse, Donna Hammond, Jennifer Rucker, Amy Selman, Alisha-Beth Sprenkle, and Sarah Vazquez.

Substitute employment: Dru Clark

Certified Resignations: Aimee Allen, Elizabeth Alsenz, Julie Blanchard, Kevin Burgi, Andrea Chirafisi, Alyvia Christensen, Jessica Folk, Noelle Gibbs, Amie Harrison, Laura Hensley, Kristen Hermann, Christina Landburg, Stephanie Markes, Carli Miller, David Myers, Jessica Reed, and Pamela Thurman.

Assistant Principal: Nathan Stewart (Cecil Floyd Elementary

Director of Special Education: Stacey Tracy

Motion made to hire Stacey Tracy.

Deborah Gould and Sharrock Dermott cast yes votes, while Jennifer Martucci, Lori Musser and Debbie Fort voted no. Derek Gander and Brent Jordan abstained.


  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    the usual suspects...

  2. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Sounds like alot of resignations every year what's the problem?

  3. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Work there and you will see. So political we need a average Joe or two who can represent the other side of the people you know the have nots.

  4. Randy Turners available? Right?

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  5. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Randy will get City Council before you would, Harvey.
