Monday, May 14, 2018

Wagner: I am proud President Trump is holding Iran accountable

(From Second District Congresswoman Ann Wagner)

Last week, under the leadership of President Trump, the United States finally left the dangerous and deeply flawed Iran nuclear deal. From day one, I and many of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle argued that the deal would only embolden the world’s top state sponsor of terrorism. Once the deal was signed, Iran built a proxy army of terrorists and extremist militias, rather than using its newfound access to global markets to resuscitate its economy and enrich its people.

I am proud that the U.S. is finally holding the Iranian regime accountable for the laundry list of crimes it committed under the agreement’s cover. It is time we stand with our allies to roll back Iranian aggression and punish its support for terrorist groups. I look forward to working with my colleagues on the House Foreign Affairs Committee to develop a comprehensive strategy to counter the Iranian threat in earnest. In the meantime, I hope the reimposed sanctions and multilateral pressure under America’s leadership will bring Iran back to the negotiating table.

Rounding off an extremely important week for American foreign policy, Secretary Pompeo returned from North Korea with three U.S. citizens imprisoned by the Kim regime. I am beyond thrilled that Kim Sang-duk, Kim Dong-chul, and Kim Hak-song are safely home. This Administration’s maximum pressure campaign has forced North Korea to prove its good faith; however, negotiators should maintain sanctions until the Kim regime takes measurable steps towards denuclearization.


  1. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I’d like to know what the “laundry list of crimes” are. Seriously. All I’ve heard is generalities from both sides. I don’t have an opinion either way because I don’t have enough information to make one.

  2. President Trump is turning out to be the best President ever; despite obstructionist Democrats and Fake News
    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text
    PS: the very worst was Barsk Huessein Obama

  3. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Yeah Harvey keep telling yourself that while the rest us spend a bunch more money for gasoline thanks to the Trumpets stupid move.

  4. Anonymous1:39 PM

    We have not even started with latest on China giving 500 million to Trump industries for exchange of casino, hotel and golf course in exchange for his dropping sanctions on Chinese company targeted by intelligence communities as being bad actors.

  5. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Does anyone actually know about the Iran deal or just same 'ol BS comments???

  6. Iran deal was Muslim Kenyan Obama giving Iran all the plutonium and uranium to make bombs to kill us with, plus another €150 million in cash without Senate approval.
    Thank God, Almighty for President Trump coming along to rectify some of that Neville Chamberlain disaster.
    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text
