Monday, June 18, 2018

Parson appoints Mike Kehoe as lieutenant governor

(From Gov. Mike Parson)

Today, Governor Mike Parson announced Michael L. Kehoe as Lieutenant Governor of Missouri.

Governor Parson said, “The Lieutenant Governor position is an important position, not just because of duties assigned by Missouri law and the state constitution, but also to reassure Missourians that all operations of state government will continue,”

“Mike is someone who will bring great experience to the Lieutenant Governor’s office as part of this administration. He will provide valuable leadership experience to Missouri as well,” Parson said.
On November 2, 2010, Kehoe was elected to the Missouri Senate representing the citizens of the 6th District. He later was re-elected in 2014 to serve a second term.

In 2005, Governor Blunt asked Kehoe to serve on Missouri’s Highways and Transportation Commission, and in 2009, was elected to be the chairman. Kehoe has held leadership positions for several committees:  Administration, Vice-Chairman; Gubernatorial Appointments, Vice-Chairman; Local Government and Elections; Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics, Chairman; Joint Committee on Capitol Improvements; Senate Select Committee on Capital Improvements, Chairman; Blue Ribbon Panel on Immigration; Joint Committee on Corrections.

Kehoe also has served on the Missouri Automobile Dealers Association Board, the Linn State Technical College Board of Regents, the Jefferson City Commerce, the USS Missouri (SSN-780) Commissioning Committee, the Central Missouri United Way, and the Jefferson City Diocese Jubilee Committee.

The following are statements from former governors:

Statement of Former Missouri Governor Christopher S. Bond: 

“The people of Missouri deserve a full slate of constitutional officials serving them and the governor needs a lieutenant governor.  I applaud Governor Parson for demonstrating leadership by filling this vacancy in a thoughtful and deliberate manner.”

Statement of Former Missouri Governor Jay Nixon:

“Missourians are best served by having a Lt. Governor in office. In 1992, Missouri voters added significant additional duties to the office that would be unmet if the position remained vacant. Also, Missouri’s unique succession laws could cause constitutional challenges if the governor becomes disabled when the Lt. Governor’s Office remained vacant. As Attorney General and later Governor, I research this issued extensively and firmly believe the Governor has the authority to fill a vacancy in this office by appointment.”

Statement of Former Missouri Governor Bob Holden:

“The Legislature has not provided any alternative to the Governor making the appointment to fill the Lt. Governor's position when vacant and past practices based on legal counsel from prior Governors based on their legal opinions of the Missouri constitution and the statutes is that the Governor shall make an appointment to fill the Lt. Governor's position.”

Statement of Former Missouri Governor Matt Blunt:

”Governor Parson has made another great decision in appointing Mike Kehoe as the next Lieutenant Governor.  Mike is a dedicated public servant who will fulfill all his new responsibilities with skill and integrity.  I believe our constitution empowers the governor to fill this and other vacancies. Given the many assigned responsibilities of the Lieutenant Governor it is clear to me that the intent was and is that Missouri should have a leader in that role.”

Statement of Former Missouri Governor Roger Wilson (through press accounts):

"Recent events have proven the need for a line of succession,” Wilson said. He added, though: "The bottom line is it's legal, and we’re doing it.” (Kansas City Star, November 16, 2000)

"It's the appropriate thing to do," Wilson said. "I have a constitutional responsibility to fill vacant seats.” (Springfield News-Leader, November 16, 2000)


  1. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Five out of five politicians agree . . . Don't let the voters decide who fills the office via election; leave it up to politicians to exercise their patronage perogative.

    They could open it up to the primary and then have a general election to fill the post in November.

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Good old Missouri crony politics. Silly me; I thought it was a temporary solution until the election!

  3. A very good man, we need a Lt Govenor to be right there ready

    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text
