Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Cynthia Davis: Don't you wish liberals cared as much about aborted babies as they do about illegal immigrant children separated from parents?

(From former Rep. Cynthia Davis, R-O'Fallon)

There is nothing more precious to us than our children and grandchildren. Families function on the emotional level. Governments must function on a pragmatic and principled level. Governments must define policies as "one size fits all".

If children are being separated from their parents who are attempting to enter this Country illegally, the blame belongs to the parents who did this to their children, presuming those children even belong to those adults. There has been a 314% INCREASE in adults arriving at the border posing with kids who are not their children! That is not a family, that is child trafficking! Additionally, although we use the term "children", many of the teens who arrive without parents are males between 15 - 17.

Families need to decide where they want to put down their roots and then safely and legally implement a plan to do what's best for all the family members. For most people, the best choice is to stay put and work to improve their homeland. However, if they want to come here, they need to knock on the front door instead of slinking in through the back door.

We can't win emotional arguments with intellectual answers. The media did a great job of getting the attention of the public by showing images of how illegal immigrant children were treated by the Obama administration.

Don't you wish we had the same level of concern over the babies being aborted every year? One of my friends put it like this, "When children are separated from their parents at the border, ICE very soon reunites them. When Planned Parenthood separates them, they never get together again. But, according to Liberals, we need to eliminate ICE and fund Planned Parenthood."


  1. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Don't you wish Cynthia Davis cared as much about immigrant children as she does about the seeds of rape and incest?

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Anonymous 10:11

      Statistics printed 01-18-2009
      Reasons For Abortion

      98% Personal Choice (unwanted or inconvenient)
      1.7% Life/Health of Mother or Child.
      3% Rape/Incest

  2. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Cynthia is one of the “special ed” Christians that believe “Love thy neighbor” only applies to those American “right to life” neighbors. As to the false equivalencies that abortion and ICE tearing children from their parents, deporting the parents, leaving their 3 year old here alone to be questioned by an immigration judge. Yes, it’s happened, and no there is nothing Christian or right to life about it.

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Don't you wish Right wing nut jobs cared as much about morals and ethics as they do about their "Party before Country" hacks keeping control of Congress and the White House? I really think the "selective morals" thing is as good as their "alternative facts" reality. "Well, Trump himself hasn't had an abortion so we can use that one." Still looking for some ethics that they can list that haven't been violated yet. Good luck with that one.

  4. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Still stalking Cynthia Davis across the state, Randy? She probably doesn't know or care who you are as just another mliberal creepazoid

    She has a radio show and you have a blog in whuch you stalk everyone who is up to you.

  5. Anonymous8:31 AM

    @8:36 Is your statement coming from just another mradical mrightist creepazoid? You type like the ifiot Harvey. Is that you Harvey?

    "She has a radio show and you have a blog in whuch you stalk everyone who is up to you."

    What does that even mean? Where did you come up with the word "whuch"? You might want to enable spell check.
