Sunday, July 29, 2018

Kim Frencken: Say goodbye to summer

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but.... summer is almost over. Can you feel it? If not, you can certainly see it. Large crayon displays are blocking aisles and commercials are talking about back-to-school. Where did the summer go? I mean, just last week (I think) I was teaching lessons, organizing and cleaning my classroom. Time to go back? Already?

So, now I'm in panic mode. Trying to get all of my projects finished before The Day. It isn't that I haven't been doing things. I've kept a pretty tight schedule all summer, but my list was too long. So, I'm prioritizing and trying to be realistic. Some things are going to have to wait until next summer. Probably the same things that have waited for the past four years. There just aren't enough hours in the day.

And, I need to get back on a decent sleep schedule. Although I don't call waking up at 6 am sleeping in, by school hours it is. I'll need to readjust to getting up before daylight. I'm already exhausted! I have to start practicing my morning drill. You know the one that starts the night before. Clothes picked out. Breakfast decided on or ready to warm. Lunch sitting in fridge ready to grab. Everything ready for my feet to hit the floor. Make sure my alarm is set to the correct time. And put new batteries in my second alarm clock. I need new batteries!

What about my back-to-school lessons? What will the kids do? I want to change it up this year and have them do something different, but what? I needed my husband's help with a project, but it looks like I'd better switch gears and plan on something else (he hasn't caught my panic yet). Have my classroom supplies arrived? Should I take a day and go organize them or should I just wait for the back-to-school work days?

Decision! Decisions! Maybe I should just catch my breath and sit down. After all Christmas break isn't that far away.
(For more of Kim Frencken's writing, check out her blog, Chocolate For the Teacher.)

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