Thursday, July 26, 2018

McCaskill: Coverage for pre-existing conditions under attack

(From Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-MO)

There's no question in my mind: the biggest issue in this country right now is healthcare.

Missourians want to know what we're we doing to relieve their anxiety about increasing prices, and anxiety as to whether or not they'll be able to get insurance for their kids.

Well -- I don't have good news. Right now, Republican Attorneys General and Governors across the country -- in twenty different states -- are working to strip healthcare protections and access for countless Americans -- including more than one million Missourians.

They want to go back to the bad old days, when insurance companies could deny people healthcare coverage just because they'd dared to be sick before or had a chronic disease.

That's shocking -- and I'm fighting back. I'm leading some of my Senate colleagues in introducing a resolution that would authorize Senate Legal Counsel to intervene in this lawsuit -- and defend those important protections for people with preexisting conditions.

Some examples of Missourians who could no longer be covered if the lawsuit is successful?

Kids born with cystic fibrosis.
Cancer survivors.
Those with chronic back pain, high-blood pressure, and hundreds of other conditions.

More than one MILLION Missourians with pre-existing conditions could be left out in the cold if this suit is successful.

This lawsuit would leave countless Americans with pre-existing conditions out in the cold. I know that's wrong -- and I'm committed to fighting tooth and nail to prevent that from happening.

We can't go back. We can't return to the days where insurance companies were allowed to deny coverage to kids born with cystic fibrosis. We can't let them take coverage from families across the country.
I'm standing squarely with Missourians who want these critical protections to remain in place.


  1. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Claire likes to scare...if she really was for real healthcare she would have pushed for funding education for more nurses and doctors...the DC crowd is very cynical...they have helped reduce healthcare for a lot of folks..Claire needs to retire!

  2. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Uh, duh yeah. Where is this much better cheaper plan that your moron president promised? Oh, wait, what did he say? "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated." Somebody should tell the "stable genius" that the rest of the sane world knew it was. The republican controlled congress has no plan or even an idea of how to go about providing anything on healthcare. So according to your "logic" your president should retire.

  3. Anonymous12:39 PM

    The “DC crowd” that helped reduce healthcare for a lot of folks were REPUBLICANS.
    Obamacare may have its problems, but it allowed many people to have insurance. Many who never had it before. It made employers provide affordable coverage to employees.
    I’m talking about the working poor. Those who work for minimum wage or barely above it. Those not looking for a hand out from welfare, but getting up daily and going to work (like Caseys or McDonalds) and couldn’t afford outrageous insurance costs.

    Of all the outlandish things our tax dollars are wasted on, I can’t understand why people would begrudge the working poor to have access to healthcare they can afford. I have voted Republican all my 64 years. After Trump and congress started going after Obamacare without an alternate plan I became a Democrat.

    I’ve also come to realize Trump is full of sh*t. He isn’t draining the swamp. He’s merely changing the inhabitants from crooked politicians to crooked billionaires. If the stupid media doesn’t stop ragging on him nonstop, he’s going to get re-elected because his supporters don’t actually listen to the news that much, they think the media is picking on him and they just dig their heels in deeper.

  4. The idiot Batak Huessein Obama sald:” You can always choose YOUR doctor, Period!”

    God did that lie work out?

    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text

  5. Anonymous11:54 AM

    McCaskill needs to retire. She's been around the block too much for too long, and the only thing she's ever accomplished is increasing she and her husband's income.

  6. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Who is Batak Huessein Obama?

  7. Anonymous8:16 PM

    And Trump said he had the biggest inaugural crowd ever, did not pay off porn stars, etc. etc. How have those lies worked out, Harvey?

  8. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Yes it did work out. People can choose their doctor.
