Monday, September 10, 2018

Parson celebrates 100 days as governor by releasing list of his accomplishments

(From Gov. Mike Parson)

Yesterday marked Governor Mike Parson’s 100th day as the Governor of Missouri after being sworn in June 1, 2018. During the first 100 days in office, Governor Parson signed a balanced state budget, appointed Mike Kehoe as the new Lieutenant Governor, signed the state’s largest single-year income tax cut, led Missouri’s drought relief efforts, and made 62 appointments.

On August 27, 2018, Governor Parson made his first Cabinet appointment. Sandra Karsten, who had previously served as Colonel for the Missouri State Highway Patrol, was named Director of Public Safety.

During his first 100 days in office, Governor Parson has traveled to all 34 state senate districts across the state, focusing on two key priorities: Workforce development and Infrastructure. “In order to move Missouri forward, we must get these two issues right,” said Governor Parson. “Business, community, and local leaders across Missouri all agree that we need to rethink how we train our workforce and address our infrastructure needs. Our next generation is counting on us to ensure they have better opportunities to succeed.”

Part of Governor Parson’s focus on workforce development is ensuring that Missouri students and workers are given the skills and tools to be successful. “The jobs of tomorrow are high tech and high skill. Our schools play an important role in preparing our students to enter the workforce. In order to compete on a national level, we must push ourselves to do better,” Governor Parson said.

In addition, Governor Parson’s vision of making Missouri the “Best in the Midwest” is addressing the state’s infrastructure needs. Missouri has the seventh largest highway system in the nation, and ranks 46th in revenue per mile. “Our roads, bridges, airports, railways, and river ports are our outlets to expand Missouri business, generate future growth, and expand to new emerging markets across the globe,” Governor Parson said. “Addressing Missouri’s infrastructure needs is long overdue, and now is the time to take action.”

Governor Parson is also committed to bridging the urban and rural divide, bringing state, local, and business leaders together to tackle Missouri’s shared challenges. The Governor has spent the first 100 days meeting with leaders across the aisle, both rural and urban leaders, to better understand the issues facing our communities. “Cooperation and collaboration are the keys to bridging this gap,” Governor Parson said. “For all of Missouri to succeed, we need to be united.”

A special legislative session to be held starting September 10, 2018, which will run concurrently with the annual constitutionally mandated veto session will focus on legislation involving increased access to STEM education in Missouri high schools and the expansion of the state’s drug treatment courts. This session is expected to end on Friday, September 14, 2018.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:59 PM

    "Part of Governor Parson’s focus on workforce development is ensuring that Missouri students and workers are given the skills and tools to be successful. “The jobs of tomorrow are high tech and high skill. Our schools play an important role in preparing our students to enter the workforce. In order to compete on a national level, we must push ourselves to do better,” Governor Parson said."

    We still need blue collar, trades workers. It's not all about technology (and I do like and approve of technology) and jobs that don't exist yet. It's also about some important, everyday, unsung hero kinds of jobs: plumber, welder, hair stylist, cook...and more.

    Some of STEM could be met by going back to home economics and shop classes. And let's be sure that we develop our kids in more than just gaming.
