Thursday, September 06, 2018

State treasurer applauds Parson decision to call special session on STEM education

(From State Treasurer Eric Schmitt)

Missouri State Treasurer Eric Schmitt today released the following statement in response to Governor Parson’s call for a special session to focus on computer science course access and awareness of career opportunities through STEM education:

“I applaud Governor Parson for working to increase awareness of STEM career opportunities and ensure students have access to computer science courses. 

As chair of the Missouri Education Savings Board, I often speak with parents who want their children to have the necessary skills to compete and succeed in the 21st century workforce. 

Jobs in STEM are some of the most in-demand jobs in Missouri, and developing STEM skills benefits all sectors of Missouri’s economy. I encourage the Missouri General Assembly to pass legislation quickly to address this issue.”

Treasurer Schmitt was sworn in as Missouri’s 46th State Treasurer in January of 2017. As Treasurer, Schmitt is focused on protecting Missouri taxpayers, supporting small businesses and empowering individuals and their families while overseeing the state’s investment portfolio. To learn more about the Missouri State Treasurer’s Office, visit

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Is that "sucking sound" coming from a vacuum pump or republican wanna bees who are jealous of their masters?
