Friday, September 21, 2018

Watch live- President Trump's rally in Springfield

President Donald Trump will speak at a rally in Springfield tonight in an effort to boost Attorney General Josh Hawley's U. S. Senate bid.

It will be interesting to see if the president comments on today's New York Times story that revealed Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein discussed using the 25th Amendment to remove him from office and also talked about wearing a wire into the Oval Office.

Will President Trump say anything else about Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who alleges Supreme Court nominee tried to rape her 36 years ago. Trump tweeted this morning that he found it hard to believe that she did not report this or that her "loving parents" did not report this when it happened.


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Is Todd Akin a guest of honor?

  2. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Do we really expect the President or republicans in the Senate to address properly issues concerning women and rape allegations by this nominee? This has to be the worse excuse for a representation of people that our country has ever experienced and the most obscene example of a country run by corporations. It is almost funny if it were not so sad to see such a pitiful example of men so intent on ruining our country for the sake of money, greed and control over women. Maybe the women running for Congress or state legislatures will win big and actually put our country on the right track of protecting all citizen and their children. Our forefathers would be rightfully ashamed of what is happening.

  3. Anonymous4:29 PM

    The President is doing alot to stop human traffiking, child sex rings and slave trade. He has prevented alot at the border. You have to pay attention to what is really going on. Many are going to prison.
