Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Cynthia Davis: Democratic Party is the party of perverts, socialism, abortion and pedophilia

(Former Rep. Cynthia Davis, R-O'Fallon, who authored this column, is an internet radio talk show host.)

When I lived in Massachusetts, so many of my friends were Democrats, I didn't know anyone who was a Republican. They were Democrats from birth and they believed their Party was about helping blue collar workers get higher wages, which was supposed to help strengthen families.

If they could see what the Democratic Party has become today, especially with what happened to the Justice Kavanaugh confirmation, it would have sickened them. It's obvious that we're playing with a different set of rules.

The Democratic party today is against the values that made America strong - life, liberty, and economic freedom. They may try to claim a concern about morality, but it's a humanistic Pseudo-morality, not a Biblical morality. This party has made a mockery out of the Constitution and believes the ends justify the means. What they did to the Kavanaugh confirmation process turned it into a political lynching that nobody in this Country deserves to suffer.

We have seen tantrums that would make a two-year-old look tame, people clawing the doors of the Supreme Court, yelling at Senators, spraying graffiti, etc. The Party that used to give the appearance of tolerance and accepting anybody has proven that it is not willing to be tolerant of those espousing Christian values. The confirmation debate that should have been about Constitutional jurisprudence never happened.

The Democratic Party is unquestionably committed to transforming America---into a habitat for Socialism, Globalism and a place where mobs rule and where access to justice depends on connections.

Here is a list of the Democratic Party agenda:

1. Abortion for any reason at any time at any cost.

2. The dilution and reversal of American exceptionalism (America is not good, great, unique, or a Constitutional example to the rest of the world). We need to look to (usually) socialist countries for guidance.

3. The eventual committal to rationing of healthcare via governmental takeover. The government that controls healthcare and chooses who gets it (when, where and how) truly controls behavior.

4. The destruction of the Electoral College, redefinition of a citizen, and who can communicate during elections. This is achieved through immigration reform, "compassion", and also aided by campaign finance reform.

5. The disarming of Americans. Gun control is historically linked to tyranny's march to control.

These character assassinations, violence, and anarchist tactics are not a passing fad. They will emerge again next time. Eventually, there will be no room for dissent.

This is about truth. If we are honest, we must accept truth, regardless of whether we like it or not. The Kavanaugh political lynching was about an effort to change the way we do Supreme Court nominations. These appointments are not supposed to be political. That's why the nominees are appointed rather than having to run campaigns to get votes. The obstructionists made this a political event by trying to rile up the people.

When did the party of sexual perversion, abortion, illegal drugs, pedophilia and all things godless suddenly have a moral concern about alleged sexual behavior, throwing ice and drinking? Those left in the Democratic Party either don't care about these core issues, or they are cringing and getting ready to leave.

If you are in the Democratic Party or know someone who is in the Democratic Party, we need to offer a moment of compassion. It's hard to leave a tradition. However, the damage done to our Country by the leaders of this party has dug deep into the fabric of our souls. It's time for every Democrat member to reconsider if this still resonates with one's belief system.

Pray for your neighbors who may be submerged in this flawed ideology to have the courage to walk away. Pray for God to open their hearts and eyes to see how they have been led down a toxic path. There are other choices.

I am glad that truth and justice prevailed this time. However, if the morality of our Nation continues to slide, we shouldn't be surprised if it gets worse. Without sharing a foundation of Biblical principles, our common ideals will erode. I hope this process was a wake-up call for all of us who thought any political party would take care of everything for us.


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Can I throw up now? What a hypocrite. Says she, who voted for Trump. Laughable. #VoteBlue2018

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Why does she write about her Mass. friends like they are all dead???

  3. Anonymous12:01 PM

    What a nut job.
    I’m a Republican and embarrassed to have someone so extreme and radical speak as if she represents me.
    Both parties have positive and negative points. We need two parties so one can balance out the other. All this pseudo righteous indignation on both sides is just plain childish and counterproductive.

  4. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Amen! Degenerates All!

  5. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Corruption throughout the government. However, I will have to say that the Democratic Party has finally gone off the deep end. Eric Holder calling for "kicking them" & Hillary Clinton saying "don't be civil" (reference to the Republican Party)
    They are definitely proving they are seethibg with hatred and want to promote harm and violence to anyone who does not share their opinions or beliefs.
    I used to vote Democrat, that won't happen ever again, if the Democrats don't stop inciting violence.
    I am so ashamed of their behavior.

  6. Rep O’Fallon Anonymous 4:29 have it perfect. With Bernie and Alexa Ocasio Corte they will soon be full time Communists

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice & text

  7. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Takes one to know one!

  8. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Definition of communist please. Easy to throw that word around but what exactly is it

  9. Anonymous11:29 PM

    She would fit right in with Kanye, Kid Rock, Ted Code Brown Nugent and Dornald tRUMP in the Oval Orfice.

  10. Evan Gelical12:07 PM

    Isn't it funny how republican accusations are really confessions? Democrats are violent? You hypocrites that call yourselves republicans have a president that is condoning violence at his "Pump Donny's Ego" rallies.

    Keep going with your fascist party Harvey. You might even grow a little "Hitler" mustache before you go goosestepping past der Trumpenfuhrer's parade stand. Make sure to hold your little right arm straight out, tilt your little tin foil hat to one side and blow him a kiss as you go by. He likes that a lot. Thousands of people say that all the time. Bigly huge!

  11. Just remember what happened the last time they were in charge. Half the people who gained under republicans lost everything and including the family farm. At local levels anyway, they did. The truth is we have had poor leadership filled with nothing but warmongering and total disregard for privacy in the last 20 years with the exception of a few. Jimmy Carter will always be remembered as the best president of our time because he evaded war.

    These Hollywood presidents and even local government, not where I currently live, but the ones on the news, they are leaving the government for Hollywood...that is their agenda fame and fortune and to hell with the people they represent.

    Can you imagine the United States with Angelina Jolie as presidentess one day?

    I can not, we need to be divided from our government and certain presidents...I don't have a government paycheck or a Hollywood paycheck and I should not have to "blend" with these religious quacks who think it is better for a child to be born and suffer abuse poverty and sodomy by a freaking nightmare in a robe with an upside crucifix...than to abort it. I can not relate. They don't pay taxes and they get billions of dollars of tax relief to pay their victims...I can't even look at Catholics anymore, much less take advice from them on childrearing or business...add the rest of the incestual nutbags out there and we are literally being dictated to on both sides ny a bunch of immoral freakazoids...I am disguisted.

  12. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Deviant Republicans

    Oops I Did It Again Pastor

    Child Porn Republican

    Josh Duggar

    Shower Boy Jim Jordan

    Missouri Lawmaker Abuser

    Matt Gaetz Sex Trafficking

    Republican Sex Trafficker

    Falwell Deviant

    Rightie Oklahoma Lawmaker Pedophile

    Air Force One Perv

    PA Child Porn

    Arizona Trafficker

    Penn Senator Child Porn

    Jerry Falwell

    Idaho Jerk Off

    Pizza Pastor

    Virginia Pedophile Republican

    George Nader Child Porn

    Texas Pervert Pastor

    Oklahoma Trump Chairman

    George Nader

    Trump Kentucky Campaign Manager

    Texas Pedophile Pastor

    Texas Pastor Rapist

  13. Anonymous9:45 PM

    The hateful, idiotic comments about this article made by Democrats and other leftist freaks PROVE THE POINTS made by Cynthia. Hilarious!
