Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Hawley calls for special counsel to investigate Democrats' tactics during Kavanaugh hearings

(From the Josh Hawley for U. S. Senate Campaign)

I’m sure you’ll agree that the conduct of the Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearings was beyond disgusting. Senate Democrats exploited Dr. Ford and smeared Judge Kavanaugh, all to gain more votes in November. Not only that, but they sat on the major accusation, waiting until it was politically beneficial for them to release it publicly.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that those on the Left will not have one shred of decency when it comes to this nomination process.

That’s why I’ve called for a special counsel to investigate Democrats’ tactics around the Kavanaugh hearings, which includes violating Dr. Ford’s confidentiality and obstructing the work of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

If Senator McCaskill cares at all about actually getting to the truth, she should join me. I can’t say I’m getting my hopes up though.

We have a Senator who is once again choosing her liberal friends over her own state, and she thinks we’re fooled into believing she’s a moderate. It’s insulting to Missouri, and we deserve better.

I’m going to continue calling for this special investigation, just like I’m going to keep working to defeat McCaskill in November. 


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    ANYONE supporting Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS will not get my vote. Refer to the Code of Conduct for US Judges. Brett's yelling, sniveling, self-pity, rudeness, and evasiveness to questions were proof that he does not have the temperament nor dignity required to be a Supreme Court Justice. If a nominee wilts and falls apart under scrutiny, then they are not suitable.

    1. Anonymous10:31 PM

      I wonder how you would react if you were being accused of being a drunken serial gang rapist with zero evidence in front of the entire country?
      I'm pretty sure I would be just as indignant and probably much less civil.
      The dems shot themselves in the foot here. This whole thing was dirty and disgusting.

  2. Anyone voting against him, such as Anonymous ( coward) girl friend McCaskill does not get mine!!

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  3. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Anonymous 10:31. How would many men react if accused of being a drunken sexual predator? In my experience just like Judge Kavanaugh - the "methinks he doth protest too much syndrome."

  4. Colin Bulldung2:22 PM

    To the right wing nut job Harvey,

    Calling people on this blog cowards is ridiculous. If you think me a coward, challenge me to a boxing match, arm wrestling, wrestling, or whatever macho challenge you want. You set the date, location, and let me know on here. I will be happy to show you that I’m not a coward, how about you show you’re the brave man you profess to be by accepting the challenge? I expect you are like the other catfish from Louisiana, all mouth and no brain.

  5. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Judge Kavanaugh is INNOCENT. Shame on you. He will be confirmed. Dr. Fraud will be exposed. Pay attention to her lies. #VoteJoshHawley

  6. Anonymous2:36 PM

    @ 10:31

    Obviously you have never heard of judicial temperament, when you angrily rant and accuse the other side of the aisle as enemies, including politicians that are no longer in politics of running a sham, then you lack the temperament to sit on the Supreme Court. You as well lack the temperament if you agree with KavaNot, and shouldn’t bother applying for the position. This isn’t a trial of his guilt, this is a job interview for the highest court in the land, and he is pitifully unqualified.

  7. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Atta boy Josh. Stick up for a person of dubious conscience now and let us not forget that several federal prosecutors have said that the person the republicans hired to interview them at the hearing did not do a complete analysis because she did not question him. The latest FBI investigation is a sham because of restrictions placed on them by the Administration. On top of that you defend Trump when it has been revealed by the NY Times that he is an extreme liar, fraud and basically a crook that stole hundreds of millions from US taxpayers by his scheme to launder money. The republican party is a sham of what it was and only further reinforces the beliefs of many that our so-called President is not worth his salt with reference to his business savvy.

  8. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Come on Harvey, you have been called out. You have been called a coward yourself and if you do not pick a date and place you will be adjudged as a coward.

  9. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Dems have lost all civility
    Chasing people out of public places
    Vandalizing their homes
    Threatening their families
    Making false accusation
    Trying to destroy others

    The Bible says that which you sow you will also reap. I hate to see what happens when it's time for their crips to be harvested.

  10. Anonymous8:11 PM

    The GOP has lost all civility
    Chasing victims from testifying to the FBI
    Vandalizing their reputations
    Threatening their families
    Making false accusations
    Trying to destroy others

    The Bible says thou shalt not bear false witness. I’d hate to see hypocrips reap what they sow.

  11. Anonymous8:17 PM

    What Hawley doesn’t have to investigate is his ability to lie about his desire to require insurance companies to cover “pre-existing conditions when his name as attorney general is on a lawsuit to remove the existing coverage for pre-existing conditions.

  12. Since the coward ( and all cowards like yourself who are afraid to put your name down),
    Pick the place and time?

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  13. Uri Dunn6:17 AM


    Don’t go crawdadding on me now, if you are asking me to set the place and time, I’ll be happy to do it. I will meet you at the Joplin Botherhood MMA located at 1704 W. 7th Street, Joplin, Mo.. I will be there October 16, 2018 at 8:00 pm. If that date doesn’t work, any Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday between 7:00-9:00 pm will work. Just show up and ask for Coward, I’ll be your Huckleberry.

  14. Anonymous9:23 AM


    BTW, if you are not going to show on the 16th, try to find the courage to post another Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday to your liking. See you there, chump.
