Thursday, October 25, 2018

Hawley campaign e-mail fundraising letter keeps emphasizing Kavanaugh vote

In its latest fundraising pitch, the Josh Hawley campaign reminds supporters of how opponent Claire McCaskill voted on the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Senator McCaskill is hoping that you and I will forget how Senate Democrats treated Justice Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing. Recently, when asked about the shameful confirmation process, Senator McCaskill said:

“I hope Missourians will notice I stayed out of it.”

Senator McCaskill can't have it both ways. She may try to paint herself as a reasonable moderate, but you and I remember that she allowed her party to create a circus of the Supreme Court confirmation process. When it came time to cast her vote, she voted in lockstep with Chuck Schumer.

If Democrats take back the Senate , they’ll do all they can to get Justice Kavanaugh impeached. There’s only one way to stop them, and that’s by defeating Senator McCaskill.


  1. Anonymous2:42 PM

    The circus you so adamantly condemn was trying to keep a nasty young man out of making laws affecting so many women of lesser means and to protect women from the likes of you and others in the republican party. You party has been more public on mishandling women issues than at any other time. We only have to look back at some of our governors past issues, your president's past issues, many in your ranks in congress and we will not even get into the crimes of misusing public funds by most if not all of the Presidents cabinet selections. Greed and corrupt do not make or paint a pretty picture.

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      2:42... there really isn't much to say to someone like you who attacks one party while pretending that they have moral high ground. Anyone with two or more brain cells knows that the whole Kavanaugh fiasco was a political smear. People on the right know it. People on the left know it. People in the middle know it. If there was any truth to it there would be criminal charges filed. Besides, if we are to hold people to being perfect and having never made mistakes then no one will ever be fit for the court. But that's politics, right? It is just sad that dolts like you keep up the charade of being morally superior long after common sense has proven the argument moot.

  2. Anonymous1:57 PM


    Down in Louisiana they recognize some of Howdy Doody Hawleys secret staff or are they his string pullers?

    "As the months went on, Hawley’s political consultants flew to Missouri for official eosh Hawley pledged to Missouri voters in 2016 that he was not the kind of career politician who would use “one office to get to another.”

    But within weeks of Hawley’s swearing in as the state’s top law enforcement official, the high-powered political team that would go on to run his U.S. Senate campaign had stepped in to help direct the office of the Missouri attorney general — and raise his national profile.

    Hawley’s out-of-state political consultants gave direct guidance and tasks to his taxpayer-funded staff, and followed up to ensure the tasks were completed, according to emails, text messages and other records obtained by The Kansas City Star.

    Early in Hawley’s tenure, for example, emails sent by the consultants to state staff laid out plans to shape the attorney general’s image and agenda for the year ahead.vents and to meet with the attorney general’s staff during work hours in the state Supreme Court building, where the 38-year-old Republican’s official office is located.

    The campaign-led strategy sessions, which began in January 2017, raised legal and ethical concerns at the time among some of Hawley’s employees, who worried about mixing politics with public business. The situation also left them confused about the chain of command.

    The political consultants and Hawley’s attorney general staff used private email accounts to help organize at least some of these meetings, and to follow up afterward. "

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      I am shocked. Someone in politics doing something marginally shady. Real revelation there.

  3. Anonymous9:19 AM
