Thursday, October 11, 2018

Reader: Neosho School District needs to stop trashy behavior of kids in school parking lot

A few moments ago, a reader left a comment on Wednesday's Turner Report post about a sexual abuse charge filed against a Neosho High School student who allegedly tried to force another student to perform oral sex on him.

Part of the problem, the reader suggests, is that the Neosho R-5 School District allows students access to the parking lot during non-school hours.

The comment, which is also printed under the original post, is as follows:

This is ridiculous that this even happened to this young lady and I am sorry that she had to endure this! 

There are a lot of problems that have stemmed from kids being able to hang out on the parking lot at all hours of the day or night. 

The police department isn't allowed to do anything about it because the school district allows them to be there. 
As taxpayers and former alumni, we need to take measures to get things changed. 

There is a former teacher who has been seen picking up trash that has been left by these kids. This is outrageous!

Neosho readers, what do you think?


  1. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Tough question with tough answers. Maybe extensive cameras to view who is doing what and then follow up with arrests. Parents are main ones to blame by not monitoring behavior and teaching kids morals. It is just one more hole in the dike of why we have so many problems in society. Need jobs, need to study, need to be held accountable and maybe police, off duty hired by school, patrol the area, take license numbers and the next morning those students called in and after school pick up all the trash left behind. No matter is they did it or not, they were there so it can be rightfully assumed they contributed to trash. Civil rights are for good behavior and punishment is for bad behavior. Same goes for community service picking up trash on highways.

  2. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Nothing good comes from the kids hanging out after hours on that parking lot. Total disrespect for their school and community. Shame on their absent parents for allowing such delinquency. Shame on the district for allowing it. Guess they might shut it down after a tragic event or some sort.

  3. Anonymous4:32 PM

    In my day, we cruised the square and Main Street in Joplin. Kids aren't allowed to do that anymore. The Rec Center no longer exists. There is nothing for teenagers to do in Neosho. I was happy to see kids congregating at the high school parking lot,instead of only communicating through social media. I've seen the police talking to kids in the parking lot,so they do have a presence. I don't feel all kids should lose this privilege over the actions of a few.

  4. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Come on guys, he may grow up to be a Supreme Court judge.

    Wonder if he likes beer.

  5. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Wait, so this sexual assault happened b/c there too many teens in the parking lot during non-school hours? This young man could have just as easily assaulted his victim elsewhere. I am not sure what your reader is getting at with this logic: it is a non sequitur.
