Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Trial date set in Jalen Vaden murder case

The Jalen Vaden murder case finally has an out-of-county judge, the seventh judge since Vaden was bound over for trial, and as of today it has a trial date.

The case is set for a jury trial beginning April 15 in Jasper County Circuit Court in Joplin with 10 days set aside, according to online court records. Greene County Circuit Court Judge Michael J. Cordonnier will preside.

A pre-trial motions hearing is scheduled for 9 a.m. April 1.

Vaden, 23, Carl Junction, is charged with second degree murder and felony child abuse in connection with the December 1, 2017 death of three-year-old Jayda Kyle. Vaden was the live-in boyfriend of the child's mother Devyn Kyle.

Jayda Kyle died at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City three days after being abused at her home, according to the probable cause statement.


  1. Anonymous7:08 PM

    The mom is as guilty as this kid is.

  2. Anonymous8:59 PM

    JUSTICE for JAYDA ��

  3. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Hold momma accountable! No way in God's green earth he did this! He on multiple occasions posted abuse happening and tagged momma in it to try to make her change!

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      How do you know who did this?

  4. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I know nothing about this case,just like e everyone else. There is no way that the next door neighbor didnt do it because that's what I want to believe and there for it must be true. No need for a trial.

  5. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I hope the mother gets hers too. I'd say the 2 comments above me are part of the McPherson support group ;) No, I'm not part of the Vaden family nor do I know them at all. I was just in the original group the MOTHER posted and and continued to LIE in. The McPherson family want people to believe that it was other groups, rumors, or the devil himself that has brought the doubt apon their family but 80% of us "doubters" come from reading the words from the mother and watching the reactions from the family. You do get extra defensive and try to reiterate your innocence daily when you are trying to brainwash and manipulate to hide the truth. Most people are not stupid and gave some common sense. Btw, I've looked for where the Vaden family has tried to convince people in their direction and have not found much of it. They mainly ask for prayers. They have some class at least. Devyn wants people like myself to feel like we are "Evil" or "trash" as her and her family has put it. They do it continually. This is a form of mental abuse used daily where the accuser is usually deflecting from the fact that they are the guilty party.

  6. Anonymous10:05 AM

    His family was all over the beating the drum page even the father Mack, they manipulated the page and the person running it it was disgusting! ImI not related to anyone nor do I have a dog in the fight. I am a professional person that witnessed the manipulation first hand. The father's hate for the ex was stronger than the fight for proper justice for this 3 years old angel!
