Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Cynthia Davis: Judge's decision was wrong; CNN should have sent reporters with better manners

(The following column is written by former Rep. Cynthia Davis, R-O'Fallon, now an internet radio talk show.)

When you're thinking about your blessings this Thanksgiving, remember to thank God that we have a great Country with a great Constitution. We just need to use the Constitution more. There are some reasons to be concerned about the latest judicial ruling concerning a press pass.

The executive branch of government has a right to make rules. The purpose of the press conference is to dispense information to the reporters! There's no law requiring the Executive to host press conferences at all, much less who can be invited.

When I was in office, I could decide if I wanted to talk to reporters and select which ones. For reporters, information is critical. Without access to the White House, reporters have no news to report. A press briefing benefits the journalists. For the journalists, no new facts means there is no new story.


It's not a "Town Hall" meeting. It's not the local water hole. It's not a focus group to understand opposing philosophies. It is not your high school debate club!

If Acosta --- OR ANY REPORTER --- speaks out of turn or is rude, the White House has the right to ask him to leave and not come back, especially if he refuses to relinquish the microphone. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press --- some of the rights articulated in the First Amendment, gives the reporters a right to print anything they want to print. It does not give reporters the right to a taxpayer-funded microphone!

If the story had ended with the reporter losing his press pass, we would have little to discuss. I thought it was laughable that a reporter sued the White House --- up until the judge sided with the reporter. We now have serious Constitutional concerns.

1.) CNN had access to the briefing because it could have sent other reporters ---- ones with better manners. 50 of them have press passes just from CNN!!! This incident was not directed at CNN. It was directed to the one individual who was unruly.

2.) The judge who restored the press pass was appointed by Donald Trump. This teaches us that even judges appointed by Republicans cannot be trusted to limit their branch and may attempt to legislate from the bench.

3.) The judicial branch of government cannot tell the executive branch how to run itself. Therefore, the executive branch could rightfully disregard this judge's ruling. When the judicial branch tries to make itself the strongest branch of government, we must remember --- it is not superior to the other branches! We must consciously work to contain it or it will overtake the other two branches.

When I was in the House of Representatives, the doormen had the power to remove anyone from the Chambers for disorderly conduct. The reporter was being disorderly. Judge Kelly based his ruling on the fifth amendment of the Constitution, not the First Amendment. Among other protections, the Fifth Amendment states that people cannot be denied their life, liberty or property without due process. The reporter was not denied any of these, so this is not a Constitutional issue. Where's the due process for the unborn?

Some reporters wish they were celebrities. If being belligerent can achieve fame, he got what he wanted out of it. The tone of his questions did not reflect a desire to understand facts. He was attempting to shame the White House for its public policies. The lines have become blurred between news articles and editorials. Wouldn't it be great if reporters received their satisfaction from reporting news instead of trying to make the news!


  1. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Here is why I completely disagree with this assessment: before even hearing Mr. Acosta's question, Mr. Trump attacked Acosta's network and its ratings, thus setting the tone for the exchange. If the President wishes the tone of the press conference to be respectful, he is responsible for setting that tone himself. Once elected officials start believing that the rules - whether of order, paying taxes, divesting businesses, or speech inciting violence - apply only to others, and not themselves, our rule of law falls apart, and we edge a little closer to the dictatorships for which our current President has long expressed admiration.

  2. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Actually they should have separated the reporters from their children and family. Put them in holding camps for months on end and they would regain the manners of our beloved President. What a crock of cow poo. The republicans should learn something about manners like making voting districts that fairly represent the makeup of the society. When democrats win 65% of the vote in states and only get 35% of the representatives that is the true crime present in America. The path they walk will soon be strewed with all their mistakes.

  3. Anonymous2:47 PM

    He had the floor, and should have been allowed to finish his questions. The president was rude in his approach.

  4. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Doesn't matter....I don't agree with the way Trump attacks the press but Acosta never should have pushed the lady's arm away when she reached for the microphone. Like it or not, the white house controls the tone and flow of these press conferences. Trump doesn't even have to call on them, and probably shouldn't in many cases. Acosta didn't need to be acknowledged and Trump should have just moved on. He doesn't have to answer any question unless he chooses to do so.

  5. Anonymous11:06 PM

    It always amazes me that die-hard Trump supporters never recognize how they're being played by him, again and again and again. Trump doesn't have to call on Acosta, ever. There's a whole room full of reporters ready to ask questions. Trump calls on Acosta and makes some snide remarks going in to create an incident and give himself another opportunity to attack CNN, and the press generally. Trump then pursues the confrontation--which he engineered to begin with--to grab the news cycle for a day or two and divert attention from all the matters he doesn't want to see in the news. Trump thrives on anger, chaos, and confrontation and deliberately creates them every chance he gets. As far as Acosta's confronting him and pressing his questions, it seems the president can dish it out, but he can't take it.

  6. Anonymous3:37 AM

    #1 The judicial branch does have the power to tell the executive branch how to run itself, if the exacutive branch is violating The Constitution. Perhaps Mrs. Davis has heard of checks and balances in school? The judge ruled a due process violation....if the White House disagrees, they can exercise their due process and appeal the judge's decision.

    #2 The president's actions most certainly set up that situation. Trump constantly embarrasses the Office of the Presidency by his own rude behavior. Lead by example Mr. President.

    #3 What does this subject have to do with the unborn? Throwing in unrelated off topic comments makes me take her arguments even less seriously. I mean...SQUIRREL!!!

  7. Anonymous4:51 AM

    If anyone agrees with Trump on this, where were you when Joe Wilson shouted "you lie" during Obama's State of the Union?

    1. Anonymous11:47 PM

      I was right here. Where were you?

  8. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Go to YouTube and search for videos of Obama dismissing reporters. The same behavior but no outrage. This is why the media is seen as bias.

  9. Anonymous9:42 AM

    This was just a pissing contest between two bucks. Even though Trump lost in court, he still won because his supporters love this stuff. The press is going to get him re-elected.

  10. Anonymous11:32 AM

    @5:34 Please show me a video where Obama insulted a reporter as he called on them, then told them they were a terrible person.

    Just like anytime I expect Harvey to back up his ridiculous claims, I won't be waiting on you.

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      I am not your resource, I told you where to find it. Take your smug partisan b.s. and research and learn, lemming. People like you are so attached to someone else's ideology that you have been spoon feed and happily eat that you can't think for yourself. "Show me proof?" No, let's see if you can find the truth after having been shown the way, sheep.

  11. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Her second point "even judges appointed by Republicans cannot be trusted" tells the truth about what Trump/Davis expects out of judicial appointments, i.e. they will be puppets who will blindly follow what the President wants, without regard to law. When the President/Davis doesn't agree with the judge, then the judge is 'legislating'.

  12. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Trump supporters love this stuff. Though he lost in court, he won big where it counts. Trump voters. The stupid media plays right into his hands and are totally helping him get re-elected in 2020. The more the media pushes Trump the deeper devotion his supporters have. Many have little awareness of the day to day issues except what Fox News tells them. It seems they have little interest in hearing two sides of a story and developing their own independent opinion. I believe this because it’s near impossible to have a rational discussion with them, all they can say is what they’ve heard somebody else say. But, what the heck, Democrats are pretty much the same way most of the time.

  13. I watched the whole thing. The President to start out with was rude and did not like Acosta's question because he will answer with a lie only. Acosta was not out of line asking to finish his question and when the WH aide came to get his microphone, he did not push her away, he lifted his arm away from her. The WH produced an altered video, definitely not Presidential!

    1. Anonymous2:43 PM

      If you know that he will answer with a lie, why ask the question? If you know the truth, why ask? It apparently doesn't matter what he says because it's a lie, right? So who cares if the question is asked?

      Reporters ask. Trump answers. Everyone says he lies. Why bother?

  14. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Respect, I believe that is what is needed from Mr Acosta. He is an arrogant beligerant person. I'm sure the other reporters were happy while he was "away". He is a bully and a loud-mouth. He acts as if he is the only reporter allowed to ask questions.
    He's a legend in his own mind, but despised by many.
