Sunday, November 18, 2018

Roy Blunt: It would be a huge mistake not to let the Mueller investigation come to its conclusion

In a wide-ranging interview with Martha Raddatz on ABC's This Week today, Sen. Roy Blunt, R-MO, said he was against any interference in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.

"It would be a huge mistake not to let the Mueller investigation come to its conclusion," Blunt said. "We need to get beyond this."

Blunt also indicated he did not think Acting Attorney General Matt Whittaker would be a good candidate for the job on a permanent basis and weighed in on the Trump Administration's dealings with Saudi Arabia following the murder of a Washington Post journalist at the Saudi embassy in Turkey.


  1. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Can't wait to replace your crony butt with a really Conservative!

  2. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Hey look! Roy Blunt actually said something sensical.

  3. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Proof is in the vote and not what he says. Too often like in Lindsey Graham they say one thing and do another. They toe the line of what works for them and not the citizen. Too often they side with whoever pays them the most and it is not us. Look at what he does and what his kids do and it will tell you he is for smoking and helping the drug companies. This is the guy that was a teacher and yet you see he lets DeVos slip right on by.

  4. The Mueller investigation will NEVER end. It is perpetual motion for him to shake down the taxpayers with hid crony lseyrt friends and have a pay check forever. Accomplising nothing but stealing from the taxpayers and shopping at the through, up to $40 million and counting.

    What had he done on Hillarys campaign, the real email scandal and Russian colluding,

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice and text

  5. Actual Facts5:05 PM

    Current status of Mueller Investigation

    *191 Criminal counts filed
    *35 People/Entities Charged
    *6 People have pled Guilty
    *1 Found guilty after trial

    Manafort alone forfeited over $40 million dollars of property to the US, more than paying costs thereof.

    Citations can be provided for the above, the comment at 10:18 is fake news!
