Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Danforth among 44 former senators who urge Senate to defend our democracy when Mueller probe is completed

Former U. S. Senator John Danforth, R-Mo. is among 44 former senators, both Republican and Democrat, who signed their names to a letter printed in today's Washington Post urging the Senate to defend our democracy when special counsel Robert Mueller's probe of Russian involvement in the 2016 election has concluded:

Among the points made in the letter:

We are at an inflection point in which the foundational principles of our democracy and our national security interests are at stake, and the rule of law and the ability of our institutions to function freely and independently must be upheld.

Among those signing the letter were Bill Bradley, D-N.J., Alan Simpson, R-Wyo, Tom Daschle, D-S.D., John Warner, R-Va., John Kerry, D-Mass., William Cohen, R-Maine, and Joe Lieberman, I-Conn.

The letter concludes with the following:

Regardless of party affiliation, ideological leanings or geography, as former members of this great body, we urge current and future senators to be steadfast and zealous guardians of our democracy by ensuring that partisanship or self-interest not replace national interest.


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

    This is what is sorely missing in our Congress now. This is a giant leap to actually challenge our challenged legislators who put greed and money from corporations ahead of our country and its citizens. Heed their cry to do something right for once and let nature take its course. Party is one thing, country trumps(pardon me for that)the cash you earn favoring companies over our health, safety and well being as a country.

  2. Time To Make SWMO a No Smocking Zone!2:07 PM

    There might be another signature of two after today's Orange Oval Orfice debacle.

    Do we tell Mexico the wall is "in the new NAFTA bill" before or after they sign?


    (remind me again why he's having trouble finding a new chief of staff...)

    1. Anonymous5:26 AM


    2. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Democrats talk about transparency and then immediately ask to negotiate behind closed doors as soon as they realize that the President isn't reading from the same script they are. Say what you want about President Trump, he didn't just sit and play nice with two people who were there to push him into a corner. Then for Pelosi to wait until he was out of earshot to question his manhood only proves who was rattled by that meeting.

  3. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Do we tell Mexico the wall is "in the new NAFTA bill" before or after they sign?

    (remind me again why he's having trouble finding a new chief of staff...)

    1. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Why tell them? Can't they read?

  4. Oren Janus6:06 AM

    The Democrats knew before Trump did what game he was going to play. By taking the "mantle" of a possible shutdown, Trump gave them exactly what they wanted. A fool to tie the shutdown to. At least 57% of Americans don't want a shutdown over wall funding. Trump campaigned on Mexico paying for the wall. Make the idiot keep his promise. After all, that is the lie on the banners at his "Pump Trump's Ego" rallies. "Promises Kept". The gutless party before country republicans won't stand up to Trump's ignorance. They must be too busy trying to duck the Russian NRA investigation.

    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      Party before country? Oren, I beginning to think you have never had a complex, original thought in your life. How is securing the boarder not putting the country first? As was suggested to you elsewhere, look at the stance that Pelosi, Schummer and other Democrats took on boarder security when Obama was in office. They were all for it as long as the large amounts of money was in their party's hands. Now that someone else is in charge they flip. So, tell us all again who the gutless party is. Tell us who puts party before country. Blindly following an ideology to the point that you have to contort reality to make it fit isn't healthy. You should step away from CNN and FOX News and try looking at things independently. All politicians lie to us to divide us.
