Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Hank Rotten, Jr calls it quits on KSN Morning Show

After 10 years on the KSN morning show, Hank Rotten, Jr., a longtime fixture in television and radio entertainment in the Joplin area is calling it a day.

In the accompanying video, Rotten talks about how former KSN news anchor Jim Jackson brought him into the fold and how he eventually took a regular co-hosting role on the morning program, handling many of the show's lighter stories and interviews.

Though Rotten is retiring from the morning show grind, his Friday night late movie on KSN will continue


  1. Steve Holmes1:29 PM

    As long as he stays on the Friday night movie, that's all that matters. It used to be that every station had a local movie host, often doing schtick between segments. Now, Hank's a rare breed. It's always good to see him.

  2. To: Steve Holmes, ��! You are spot on!

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice & text 24/7
