Friday, December 28, 2018

Stock price for J. C. Penney falls below $1 per share

While the outlook is not as dire as that facing Sears, the owner of another anchor store for Joplin's Northpark Mall, JC Penney, is not much better.

The stock for the company fell to 97 cents per share Thursday, the first time it had been below one dollar in the four decades since it went first went public.

Many retail stocks were down on Thursday — a day after they rallied on news of strong holiday spending — but shares of Penney were down far more than rivals like Macy’s, Nordstrom and Kohl’s. 
“They are closer to the edge” than other retailers, Gerald Storch of Storch Advisors told The Post. 
With a new chief executive, Jill Soltau, on board since October, JCPenney has one year to show the market that it can sell merchandise that people want to buy, added Storch.


  1. Anonymous8:42 AM

    It’s only a matter of time before Trump’s leadership results in all stccks selling for below a dollar per share. Of course, Trump prefers the Russian ruble, with it valued at one cent to the dollar, he is a trillionaire there. The worst December for the stock market since 1931, during the Great Depression. That’s high quality conservative leadership, not as high quality as glacier water, but with Trump’s denial of climate change and refusing the global agreement to mediate damages, there won’t be glaciers in the future.

    1. Anonymous4:54 AM

      And yet Trump was preferable to the criminal that the Democrats offered up.

  2. Anonymous7:53 AM

    @ 4:54

    But...but...but Hillary, is that all you Republicans have? Hillary was investigated for many years, with no indictments or convictions. The investigation into Trump has already resulted in his foreign policy advisor pleading guilt, his campaign manager found guilty of felonies by a jury, his personal attorney pleading guilty to felonies, his national security advisor pled guilty, and Mueller has also charged Richard Pineda, Konstatin Kilmnik, Alex van der Zwaan, and 12 Russian intelligence officers. Mueller indicted and has gotten guilty pleas from 33 people and three companies involved in the last election. So yes, you and the Russians elected Trump, despite losing the popular vote, and installed into office the orange idiot that believes Putin over his own intelligence agencies. Hell, even Anson Burlingame admitted in the Globe yesterday that Trump is unfit for office. That’s too bad that he is smarter than you.

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Ya know 753, just because I believe that both Bill and Hilary are criminals doesn't make me a Republican. Nor did I say that I am happy that Trump is in office. I have enough intelligence to step away from partisan politics and call a spade a spade. Just like with Trump, if there is enough smoke there is fire with the Clintons. No convictions? Yeah, that means innocence, doesn't it? Regardless, the point of my post was as bad as Trump is, Hilary was a worse pick in the minds of many people. Too bad people like you can't move politics out of the way long enough to understand that.

    2. Anonymous9:37 PM

      But... but... but Trump and the Russians... is that all you Democrats have? Hell, Russians have closer ties to the Clintons than they do to Trump. She lost, move on.

  3. Anonymous9:01 AM

    @ 4:09 & 9:37

    It doesn’t matter what you believe. Facts are that Hillary wasn’t convicted or indicted. If you don’t play either side or take a stand, then you stand for nothing. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Trumo has been named as a co-conspirator in a felony by his own Justice Department. I know it’s awfully hard for you guys to think, but think about that. If Hillary was worse than Trump in the “minds of may people”, then tell me why she received millions of more votes than Trump did. You logic is as flawed as your President Pinocchio. Thanks to morons like yourselves, an unfit, draft dodging coward is the President.

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      901... your ability to comprehend what you have read is amazing. Did I say that Trump recieved more votes than Hilary? Nope. I said that "many" people felt she was a worse pick than Trump. She may have received millions or billions of more votes but MANY people voted for him. And again, where did I say that I voted for him? People like you are so hellbent on defending your precious party that you cannot even be arsed to understand what you read. My post very clearly states that I believe that when there are enough stories of wrong doing that there is usually some truth. (Where there is smoke there is fire...) Question my logic all you want but at least my logic doesn't include looking the other in cases like Whitewater. I don't do partisan politics, that is my stand. I call things the way I see them not the way that some blue donkey tells me to see them. And I know it's awfully hard for you to think, but think about that sweetheart.

    2. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Damn 9:01, looks like you been called out...
      Frankly, I would have used "Sunshine" rather than "Sweetheart", but to each their own.

  4. Anonymous4:08 PM

    @ 12:03

    Bless you little heart. You are so ill-informed it’s pitiful. Trump received millions of less votes, there is not a billion voters in the US. People that have intelligence normally pick a party that most aligns with their ideals for a better future, for those that care their futures. No, young man just because there is smoke it doesn’t necessarily mean there is fire. (Firefighter falsely charged in Webb City, comes to mind). Whitewater? You do understand that’s over, right. No indictments, no convictions for the Clintons there, you’re seeing a ghost, not smoke. It’s pretty damn sad that you’re so jaded, that you use that as an excuse to avoid your civic duty, but then again you’re probably not smart enough to research the only say you have in your future.

    1. Anonymous10:15 PM

      Geez, 4:08, you are dense.

  5. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Damn 10:15, way to throw the burn! Nothing screams intelligence like preceding a comment with “geez”, lol.
