Thursday, January 17, 2019

Ben Baker co-sponsors pro-gun and anti-abortion bills, assigned to Education Committee

(From Rep. Ben Baker, R-Neosho)

I’m wrapping up the first full week of session here in Jefferson City and wanted to highlight a few things quickly for everyone back home. It has been a flurry of activity here as we begin the 2019 session. It is very humbling and quite an honor to get the opportunity to serve as we begin the 100th General Assembly.

The buzz of the week here has been what committee assignments we would receive and hearing the tone from Governor Parson as to his priorities outlined in the State of the State address on Wednesday afternoon.

I was appointed to three committees by Speaker Haahr and received word on Tuesday as to those assignments. Workforce Development, Elementary and Secondary Education, and Downsizing State Government. All three committee assignments I am pleased with and really look forward to rolling up my sleeves and getting to work especially in those areas.

In the State of the State Address, Governor Parson communicated that his priorities this session are workforce development and infrastructure. Being that workforce development is a top priority for me as well, I’m excited about working on issues that will provide a better educated and prepared workforce for Missouri.

I have one bill that is pre-filed and that is HB267 which allows a school district to offer an elective social studies course on the Hebrew Scriptures, the Old Testament of the Bible, or the New Testament of the Bible. The course will include the contents, history, literary style and structure, and influences on society.

I have co-sponsored two bills so far and that is HB258 which limits what is known as “gun free zones” and HB126, which prohibits a physician to perform an abortion on a pregnant woman without first performing a fetal heartbeat detection test.

With that, I hope you have a great weekend and God Bless!


  1. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Thoughts and prayers!

  2. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Seriously? The candidate who didn't show to any forums regarding education while campaigning is now on the Education Committee? The candidate receiving Betsy DeVos pac money is to serve as a representative for 160 district regarding education? What a shame!

  3. Putting an opponent of public education was really stupid, but he is in the Missouri legislature. It is full of right-wing neo-Nazis.

  4. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Just what the local talibangelicals voted for!

    What's next?

    Ozark Babble style dress codes?

    Don't claim you weren't warned.

  5. Anonymous10:00 PM


    Put him on the education committee?

    No wonder Missouri is stuck in reverse!

  6. Super Representative; will be a great one!!
    District 160 you are to be commended for sending a wonderful family man and religious leader to Jefferson City. He’s already performed perfectly super as Neosho Mayor!

    BTW, those were two critical issues to take the lead on in spons:
    Gun rights
    Right to life for the unborn

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

  7. Anonymous5:15 AM

    As stated elsewhere, there are other places you whiny religionphobic cowards can live. Go somewhere you can be happy instead of living in fear of someone else's beliefs.

  8. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Oh come on Harvey. One of the major reasons he was elected was to get him the hell off the Neosho City Council. He is the state's problem now. He will fit right in, as he will have an assault rifle in one hand and a Bible in the other. I wonder if Jesus had a pet T Rex?

  9. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I am tired of you Christians telling us if we don't like it just leave. You know, eventually you are not going to be in the majority and you may just face deportation yourself. Nobody cares what you believe as long as you do not try to impose those beliefs on the rest of us. When you do, expect some pushback.

  10. Anonymous8:25 AM

    6:52 AM - You are spot on. The loony right wing "bible thumpers" - continue to push their religious agenda - in public arenas. The bible thumpers cannot tolerate other religious points of view. A good example is the ten commandments monuments at state capitals - the courts have consistently ruled that other monuments - expressing other religious points of view - must be included.

    The bottom line is this: As American citizens - you can pursue whatever belief system you would like - in your private life - just don't mandate your belief system - in the public sphere.

  11. Anonymous10:02 AM

    This great country was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs...look it up. If you don't like it, YOU may go live elsewhere.

  12. Anonymous11:05 AM

    And this is no longer a great country. We are in a headlong slide into the Third World.

  13. Anonymous11:50 AM

    6:52 and 8:25, who is trying to impose their beliefs on you? Because someone expresses their beliefs, are they forcing them on you? Maybe I am sick of you Atheist trying to impose your beliefs on me? See how that works, boys?

  14. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Whattty what the friggitty friggin frak are you tummyrumbling, swishy, swashy Nancies bitching about now? Some of these fraidy cats think some Bob who loves Jesus is somehow infringin' on their rights? Good Golly Molly McBrown, just can't let people be who they wanna be. Fella or Ms. Fella at 1150 bangs the nail right on its rusty head. Just cause you don't like what someone else beliefs in, doesn't mean they are cramming it down your probably already full throat. It just means they see the world a bit different.
    Here is a pro tip for you Jesus haters, it will be ok if someone loves Jesus. Just like it's ok that ya'll don't love Jesus. It's your choice, girls. Just stop bitching about other pepole's choices.

  15. Anonymous2:49 PM

    And the beat goes on. Wonder if the so-called pu**y grabbing Christians ever thought of consulting the American Indian before settling here or listened to them to move on when they were telling them that they were worshiping false gods. Sad to say we are in total turmoil and only thing short of total riots and mass killings, think Salem witch trials, will settle this debate. Well, there is the one constitutional amendment that states there is separation of church and state, but why let that get in the way of zealots. Sad to say, those in Neosho area are responsible for letting this goose out of the cage. What can I say when they vote for him, Blunt and Long and probably Hawley and Greitens. I guess we could have picked up Brownback from Kansas, but he was taken by Orange Hair.

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      2:49, you make me laugh. Unjustified and misplaced hate is such funny thing and you wallow in it like a pig. The fact that you are boiling with so much jealousy for those who have purpose in their life beyond their own selfishness that you have to lash out like a spoiled child is hysterical. You are the type of person who wakes up every morning and curse a God that you don't believe in, just because you are pissed that He let you wake again.

  16. Anonymous4:28 PM

    First of all, this country WASN’T founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs. There is NO mention of Christ or Christianity the in the constitution. Many of the Founding Fathers were Deists and Unitarians, not Christians, and even those who were Christians weren’t Evangelicals or the type of Christians today. Many attended church simply because it was socially and politically necessary. I’m a Christian, not an atheist, but I’m tired and disgusted that so many” Christians” ignore others” rights to atheists beliefs and push Christianity in the public sphere.

    Believe and worship however you desire,but keep Christianity where it belongs: in home and churches, where it doesn’t impinge on the beliefs of others. No religious symbols, prayers, or monuments of ANY faith belong on government property.

    Will you still feel whatever group is in the majority has the right to push its religious agenda when CHRISTIANS are the minority? Think about ; that day is coming. Fewer and fewer people are attending church,fewer profess to be Christian. One day non-Christians will be the majority. Do you want a statue of Buddha, Satan, or one of the many Hindu gods enshrined on government property or in schools? Practice your religion,but don’t push it on anyone else.

  17. Anonymous9:34 PM

    "The so called pussy grabbing Christians"? Do you know how damn stupid you are?

    I probably would have said "The pussy grabbing so called Christians" myself.

    Examples: Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker, Rev. Andy Savage, Hugh Freeze... can anyone else think of a few more?

    1. Anonymous3:29 AM

      Way to be relevant.

      So then I guess we can say cock grabbing atheists/ agnostics like Kevin Spacey, George Michael, Gary Goddard, Jann Wenner, Phillip Berk... can anyone else think of a few more?

      So your point is Christian's have sex too? Or is it that they aren't perfect? Because I am pretty sure that neither is a revelation.

  18. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Never seen a bigger group of scared people. Why does the idea of religion scare you people so much?

  19. Anonymous9:20 AM

    There are no snowflakes more delicate than a so-called christian snowflakes.

    Why aren't you off looking for dinosaurs and arks in the melting polar ice?

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      9:20, funny when people talk about things they know nothing about. Ya know, like an atheist trying to carry on a conversation about religious beliefs. Absolutely no better way to make yourself look like a fool.
      How many Christians have you ever talked to? I would bet not many.

  20. Anonymous12:24 PM


  21. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Pastor Brad Shockley told viewers of the Let The Bible Speak television program over the weekend that the Bible proves that dinosaurs — and dragons — lived on the Earth at the same time as humans...CLICK HERE TO WATCH! (bonus! lots of bible verses are cited to own the libs with)

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      So the answer is, you have never spoken to a Christian and that you have just watched Youtube videos? Debate over. You win. After all, you saw it on Youtube. All Christians are insane. Thanks for changing everyone's views with your enlightened Youtube links.

  22. All of us must understand that we are a whole nation of many beliefs and these people in politics are representing ALL of us and we ALL have differing beliefs. Some of us believe is abortion and some of us don't. You can't cram one way or another down our throats. You work to make things safe and tolerable; that is the politician's job.

  23. Anonymous9:38 PM


    Thanks for acting like there are no crazy and or stupid xtians. Or that they want to tell the rest of us that they and their church alone are chosen intermediaries between their great sky captain and the rest of us heathens.

    I have indeed met all sorts of you religious fools, it's one reason SW MO is fast catching up with Mississippi to occupy last place in almost everything that matters.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      9:38, so you stereotype based of YouTube videos of radicals? You are what is great about leftists. You scream about open mindedness and equality, then you stereotype and pengionhole. Keep talking, the more you say the more you show your intolerance for people who see things differently from you.
      Come on, tell us more about how the problems of this area are due to one group of people. Tell us more how the most radical factions of a group speak for them all. Come on, preach about your inclusiveness and tolerance.

    2. Anonymous12:23 PM


      The fact that you can't even type the word Christians says a lot about your irrational bashing of other people's beliefs. Beliefs that you have proven through your hate filled posts here that you don't understand and that you simply cannot respect. Since you seem to think that issues of this area seem to stem from Christians, I would invite you to come down and donate some of your time at either Watered Gardens or Souls Harbor, both Christian based organizations that try to provide much needed help to the homeless. If you do that, I would be more than happy to donate the same amount of my time to an atheist group that provides the same services for the community. But you will have to tell me where they are first.

    3. Anonymous1:28 PM

      @9:38.....BOOM! Love it! Lol!

  24. Anonymous4:48 PM

    And I would guess that the post at 12:23pm may have ended that exchange. Amazing what rational facts can do to an irrational exchange.

  25. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Belief is the optimum word. Everybody believes, nobody knows.
