Thursday, January 24, 2019

State of Missouri receives $6.5 million grant for early childhood education

(From Gov. Mike Parson)

Missouri families with children age birth to 5 who participate in early learning programs in the state will benefit from a $6.5 million grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) received word of the award Thursday.

The grant will be used to fund the Stronger Together Missouri project, which aims to implement a comprehensive, statewide, birth-to-kindergarten-entry needs assessment and to update the state’s Early Childhood Strategic Plan to enhance long-term sustainability in early childhood services.

“We are proud and excited about the partnership among the Governor’s Office, the Missouri Departments of Elementary and Secondary Education, Health and Senior Services, Mental Health and Social Services, the Missouri Head Start State Collaboration Office, and the Missouri Foundation for Health that brought this grant to reality,” said Governor Mike Parson. “The grant will allow Missouri to offer even stronger services to our youngest students and their families.”

Information gathered from the needs assessment will be combined with information from the statewide Quality Assurance Report initiative to identify areas in need of intervention to maximize parental choice and knowledge of early learning programs, share best practices, and improve the quality of Early Childhood Care and Education system.

“Collaboration among state partners is key to effectively serving our students and families,” said Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education Margie Vandeven. “Access to high quality early learning opportunities will help prepare every student for success in school and in life.”

Missouri will begin to implement the grant early this year. The grant is effective for one year.


  1. Super!!!, badly needed.
    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

  2. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Amazing how they are praising money from the feds to help educate Missouri children. Seems that Missouri is full of fiscal responsible government, but always have their hand out for federal money. Ever notice how Missouri gets back over one dollar for every dollar sent to federal government while some blue states get much less than what is sent in via taxes. I guess we are just the lost children looking for handouts and yet are so proud of what we do; suck up to the big boys.
    Too bad all these rich money making businesses in Missouri cannot give a touch more to help out its citizens with respect to health care and education. Our starting salary for teachers is one of the lowest in the US.

  3. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Story problem:

    $5.7 billion divided by $6.5 million = ?

    (Yes, I am aware that the $5.7 billion for the wall is to be paid by Mexico and not the US taxpayer but just assume the dollars are the same dollars in order to do the calculation)

  4. That’s our tax money.

    Thank you very much Gov Parsons for getting this for our needy citizenry.

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

  5. Anonymous7:31 PM

    I'm wondering why the citizenry of SWMO is so needy.

    All these republican politicians for all these years and apparently the guns, god and tax cuts for the wealthy apparently aren't working.

  6. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Ouch, well said 7:31. The guns, god and tax cut thing is creating more needy children so maybe we need to do some genetic testing for fit parenthood.

  7. I’m sure anonymous 1:00 pm would fail; first test is transparency, and have the courage to identify yourself

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-523-6622 voice&text

  8. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Harvey your obsession pursuit of all the anonymous participants here has gone beyond tedious in my opinion.

    By the way, have you ever taken a test for the Dunning-Kruger syndrome? (Asking for ananonymlous friend!)

  9. I have not taken the Dunning-Kruger test. If I had I’d tell you: just like all of my posts are signed with telephone #.
    Have you taken the test? Since you don’t have the guts to sign your post; I’m sure you wouldn’t publish your poor score—all part of your cowardice.

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  10. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Harvey why don't you start your own website?

    You can have it your way and the anonymous people can be banned from posting. (They would have to use a fake perona to fool you!)

    At least one person on the internet is probably already saying that if you had a blog it would probably suck more lemons than a lemonade stand at the State Fair!

    P.S. I believe you when you say that you haven't taken the Dunning-Kruger test. Yet. I believe you'd produce a yoogely amazing score if you ever did, which you would probably brag about!
