Monday, February 18, 2019

Ann Wagner: I'm grateful to have Ivanka Trump as a strong partner in the fight for paid parental leave

(From Second District Congresswoman Ann Wagner)

I was so pleased to hear the President give a strong shoutout to paid parental leave during his State of the Union Address. I was the first on my feet to say, “Yes!” I'm a big supporter and advocate in this arena.

We are looking forward to restarting these parental leave discussions in the new Congress, and I am very much in support of bringing this legislation forward and gaining bipartisan support to get this done.

I’m grateful to have Ivanka Trump as a strong partner in the fight for paid parental leave and look forward to continuing to work with her and my colleagues on behalf of America's families. 

We had a productive meeting last week regarding our Paid Parental Leave bill. Our priority is to expand freedom and flexibility and give new parents the option of paid parental leave so they can spend more time with their children during the most precious and formative time of a child’s life. 

This legislation is a conservative approach that does not raise taxes, create mandates for businesses, or grow the government.


  1. Anonymous11:51 AM

    So why has it taken so long to think about this or is it to suck up to presidents daughter and to the orange tufted Muppet. I find it really entertaining that republicans now are thinking of, actually have not done anything yet, of addressing the needs of women, children and other social problems. Of course they have not even treaded on doing anything about gun ownership, control or controlling their own idiot in charge from lying about everything except how wonderful he is-isn't. I am sorry for your failings and having to ride on coattails of the Trump Corporation is pretty sad coming from a supposedly intelligent human being, but then we have to wonder about the last part.

  2. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Why, just because a woman makes a choice to become pregnant, should the employer be obligated to pay her while she’s off work? Why should she get that benefit? That’s not exactly fair to employees off work for any medical reason. Pay them too!

  3. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Yea, I want paid gall bladder surgery leave!

  4. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I want paid medical leave for the depression I have due to a crappy job.
