Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Ash Grove Republican likens failure to challenge Roe v. Wade to Germans failing to challenge Holocaust

(From Rep. Mike Moon, R-Ash Grove)

A number of bills were taken up for debate today. The most important bill, though, was HB (House Bill) 126.

 The bill specifies that a physician shall not perform or induce an abortion on a pregnant woman without first performing a test to detect a heartbeat. A physician, who fails to do so before performing an abortion, shall be subject to having his or her medical license rejected, revoked, or suspended for six months and shall pay a $1,000 fine. 

Any physician who performs or induces an abortion following the detection of a developing baby’s heartbeat shall have his or her license revoked and any future license application denied.

Any woman upon whom an abortion is performed or induced in violation of these provisions shall not be prosecuted for a conspiracy to violate these provisions.

It can be argued that the bill does indeed curtail the number of abortions in our state. Research varies on when exactly a heartbeat can be detected in a developing human baby. The bill does not detail the exact gestational age of a baby when a heartbeat can be detected, however, there is consensus that most developing babies have detectable heartbeats at or around eight (8) - 12 weeks (using an ultrasound Doppler).

Several amendments were added to the bill:

Requiring the notification of both parents when a minor seeks an abortion;
Requirement for an abortion provider to present, to the woman seeking an abortion, a pamphlet which provides information about alternatives to abortion;
The prohibition of aborting a developing baby based on information the baby will be born with an abnormality, such as Down’s Syndrome;
Requiring an increase in malpractice insurance for an insurance provider;
A clause that states all abortion in Missouri will be banned when Roe v. Wade is overturned; and
A provision that prohibits abortion on developing human children 20-weeks or more gestational age.

I do support the Heartbeat bill and voted for its passage today. The bill passed the House with a vote of 117 “yes” to 39 “no.”

Here’s my concern:

For more than 46 years, we have been “satisfied” with the fact that developing human babies are still being murdered. When prolife supporters are pressed to do more a frequent response is, “We’re doing all we can do.”

I say, “Hogwash!”

If during our nation’s history, Americans had been satisfied with saying to slaves, “We’re doing all we can do… so continue to be happy and content as a slave,” what do you suppose the response would have been?

Today, when contemplating the outright murder of the voiceless (developing human children), we effectively turn a blind eye to some of them. General Walton Walker ordered German civilians in Weimar to visit the main Buchenwald camp in order for them to see first-hand the atrocities that had been occurring “right under their noses.”

Innocent civilians were being killed literally in their neighborhoods and they seemingly did not know or did not care. Nonetheless, the murders were taking place.

Today, the murder of developing human babies continues… and, we, just like the Germans we appear to be satisfied that it's not happening "in our neighborhood." Well, we know it’s happening, but for 46 years we’ve been regulating the dastardly deeds…. I am not satisfied with mere regulations (when murder is involved)! When will enough be enough!?!

Bills have been filed for at least the past five years which would challenge Roe v. Wade, yet this year, the bills have yet to be referred to a committee for a hearing.

If you are compelled to do so, please contact Speaker Haahr (pronounced “Har”), and thank him for referring bills which protect human life and urge him to refer HJR 28 to a committee. This bill will recognize developing human babies as persons and require due process before their lives can be ended.

Remember the rules debate? We are experiencing the "oligarchy" at its finest!

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