Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Ed Martin: Those claiming Trump collusin are enemies of our republic, they should be held accountable

(From Phyllis Schlafly Eagles)

As the dust settles from Robert Mueller's nothing burger report on collusion and the Department of Justice's exoneration of the President and his campaign staff, the question must be asked: how will the peddlers of this misinformation be held accountable?

"Maybe it's time for some in Congress and the media to consider resigning," said Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. "After two years of time wasted and $30 million in taxpayer money, the misinformation firm of Schiff, Waters, Nadler & Co. isn't planning on stopping.

"They don't care about the truth. They only want to see their own agenda succeed: to destroy Trump and a pro-America administration. They are not even deterred by the final word from their own superstar of the last two years, Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller.

"They are acting as enemies of our republic. It's time for us to demand they be held accountable."


  1. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Pro-American, give me a break. Meetings in private with Putin, children meeting with Saudia Arabia, hotel dealings in Moscow, flying to his golf courses practically every weekend, calling reputable news agencies "enemies of the people". Really, he is the worse case scenario we have seen in a president of our country. He has lied more times than some can count and he is now threatening health care and other programs that protect our air, land and water which is vital to any country's success. You are carrying his evil message to further your own vile message of hate to all others outside of your little circle.

    1. Anonymous4:15 AM

      Check into Biden and his son. They have a nifty relationship with China that started when he was VP.

  2. Obama was 10 times worse. Why did he fly €150 billion at midnight to his brother’s, the Iranians?
    They used that to finance terror against us!

    Obama should be imprisonec for treason, and for killing 4 Americans at Benghazi ( more of his Muslim brother’s)

    Harvey Hutchinson 303/522-6622 voice&text

  3. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Obama giving millions in cash to ISIS safe haven countries
    Hillary leaving our citizens to die in Benghazi, committing fraud through the Clinton foundation and keeping money that was supposed to be for the victims in Haiti, and oh yeah, what about those top secret emails she deleted, that she shared on unsecured servers

    Where is the outrage against those two
    Two of the biggest liars and crooks ever to hold office

    Trump is not without faults, but he has been investigated by so many agencies and they still come up empty handed

    Stop being ignorant and drinking the kool-aid the democratic liberal socialists are serving
