Friday, March 29, 2019

Hartzler: The Mueller Report showed no collusion; it's time to move on

(From Fourth District Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler)

After almost two long years, $25 million taxpayer dollars, more than 2,800 subpoenas, and 500 search warrants, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has released his report showing there was no collusion between Russia and the Trump Campaign. 

This investigation was very thorough, conducted with all the Justice Department resources available to Special Counsel Mueller. He made it clear that while Russian affiliates made multiple efforts to try to reach out to the Trump Campaign, those efforts were unsuccessful. Furthermore, the Justice Department concluded that there is no evidence that the President obstructed justice. 

This fact is echoed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who served eight years under President Obama, saying there was no case for obstruction. 

While some in the Democratic Party insist on continuing to chase this non-story, it is time for Congress to focus on the issues that really matter to Americans – investing in economic growth, addressing health care, and fixing our broken immigration system. It is time to move on.



  1. Yes, and that should be the end of it; except for trash like Schiff and Nadler

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  2. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Harvey I can always rely on your comments to supply a full dose of nothing but right wing nut job talking points.

    Have you ever considered a full colon cleanout?

    1. Anonymous6:31 AM

      What did Harvey say that was a nut job talking point? His statement was nothing but truth. 8:02, are your precious little blue feelings hurt that no crime was committed by the president?

  3. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Is @6:31 one of Hervey's bayou buddies?

    1. Anonymous5:00 AM

      Yeah, I am. So, answer the question.

  4. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Ah, so you people are fine with Trumps appointed AG with a history of corruption telling you what you should believe about a 400 page investigation, instead of reading any of it yourself?

    No wonder this country keeps getting worse.

  5. Anonymous1:43 PM

    @. 5:00

    Trump’s attorney was sentenced to prison for campaign finance fraud (among other things) and named Trump as “Individual 1” and his accomplice in that crime, and when the State of Néw York gets through filing charges against his business crimes of fraud, which can’t be pardoned by Pence or any federal authority, the jig is up and the con man in chief will be wearing orange to match his tan. I’m not a Democrat, but the last election offered only a lying conman and a lying politician as our choice, our country is crewed.

    1. Anonymous5:51 AM

      1:43, I agree with the choices in the last election. The problem with NY case is that everyone involved is in trouble which means their testimony is questionable.

      7:51, Barr isn't the only person who has read the report. Do you think Mueller, whom the Democrats all loved when appointed to investigate, wouldn't speak up if the summary was misleading?
