Sunday, March 31, 2019

Joplin Globe: R-8 Board of Education candidate Michael Joseph is our partner

Two days before Joplin R-8 voters go to the polls to elect two members of the Board of Education, the Joplin Globe has sent paid advertisements supporting the candidacy of Dr. Michael Joseph, to those who receive Globe newsletters..

The message line reads "Dr. Michael Joseph for School Board," while the advertisement itself, as you can see by the accompanying photo, shows a prominent Joplin Globe logo followed by "A message from our partner."

Since when is the Joplin Globe a partner with a candidate for the Board of Education?

Joseph is running in a three-candidate race for two three-year positions. The other candidates are incumbent Board President Sharrock Dermott and Jennifer Martucci.

While the Globe occasionally sends advertisements to those who receive its newsletters, the suggestion of a partnership between the newspaper and a political candidate is unseemly, to say the least.

The last time I can recall the Globe doing this was three years ago, something I wrote about in the post below.

Joplin Globe: Sharrock Dermott is our partner


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Randy can you confirm that this same header is used by the Globe on all paid advertisers?

  2. I did not go back and check a bunch of them, but a couple of weeks ago they sent out an ad from Kansas Crossing Casino that used the same "Message from out partner" head.

  3. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Down with Sharrock Dermott.

  4. Michael Joseph is excellent person and MD! The awful glob is not his partner but perhaps their fake news wanna be...It amazes me he wants to get on the Board..Its a sometimes petty cauldron of Joplin spite,envy,intrigue...We need more folks like him stepping up to help others....

  5. Steve Holmes1:26 PM

    At first, this bothered me. But I now believe this "partner" ad came from the advertising side and had nothing to do with editorial. If I were a ref looking at a replay, I'd say, "No foul."
