Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Paul Richardson offers update on his latest projects promoting Neosho, Newton County

(Paul Richardson's column, The Horse I Rode In On, appears regularly in the Neosho Daily News, Seneca News-Dispatch and the Turner Report.)

I recently received an inquiry about these articles. Do I get paid for writing these articles? Well, sure, you bet, it is a handsome sum, out to four places on the right side, that is the right-hand side of the decimal point.

No Virginia, these writings are simply for your enjoyment. I once considered writing as an occupation, but the early drafts on that I posted on various public walls kept disappearing. I guess the disinfecting scrub they use is more powerful than the pen.

Beginning many years ago my life became so occupied with life. Supporting a family, raising kids, raising a grandson, raising a niece, work and on the list goes. Then there was all the other stuff that legends are made of. Some is factual, some is fiction, and some was just imaginary, coming from sources that I don’t even know of. 

In short, I had a very full and busy life. Even the most ardent time management failed at the task of budgeting time for writing. I work this occasional prose into my busy schedule by multi-tasking. Not wanting to give up sleep time, eating time, naptime, or various other sundry times, I found a way to multi-task during, well, let’s say nature call times. Since I had always avoided public facilities it gives me another rational explanation for riding all the way home if the occasion arises. This is probably quite an appropriate place for these thoughts to be constructed as I am sure that a significant percentage of my readership multi-task by reading the articles under the same conditions.

This article has become a portion of my community service. I have written many times about community involvement and that there are numerous ways in which one can become involved. So, in part, the sharing that is provided in these articles is, perhaps, a type of community volunteer effort. Now everyone will want to get on board this train in order to say that they too are contributing. That’s fine and I hope it works out for you.

Fortunately, this effort isn’t the only volunteer work that we involve ourselves in. Not going to provide a laundry list of these, but you are always welcome to tag along on some of the other adventures.

Lately everyone is wanting to know what I am doing with my time. That’s a fair question. I have started on some new ventures. Some of the things that I had been doing and are continuing is to provide information and service to the Neosho community. If you want to find out what is going on around town, a Facebook page exist that consolidates the information on every event and happening that we can wrangle. 

If you have access to the internet and are a Facebook user, check out the following page: Neosho Area Community Events. Like it and you can get notifications when it is updated, or events are added. On the home page there is a column on the left side and one of the items in that column is the tab labeled Events. Select that and you will be transported to a new page that will contain a bulletin board type listing of upcoming events from every corner of Neosho. Very handy indeed.

I would also like to direct your attention to another site that is provided by the Missouri Department of Tourism: 

On this site if you use the search icon in the upper right-hand corner and search Neosho, you will see a listing of currently approved sites and events in the Neosho area. Steady work is being performed to bring all the listings for Neosho up to a very presentable and attractive standard. This site is utilized by people across the nation as the Missouri Department of Tourism markets Missouri at large to potential visitors near and far. 

For the past several weeks ads for California, Las Vegas, Texas and other locales are showing up on our local television stations. Missouri Department of Tourism does the same type of marketing in a variety of areas throughout the nation. 

Efforts are being made to ensure that in this marketing plan the potential visitors will know that Neosho and Newton County have things to offer. While accessible to everyone including our local population, this site is directed to a much larger and distant audience.

Well that my reader friend is a couple of the items that we are involved in. There is more and we can cover it as time goes on. Another option will be for you to follow, yes yet another Facebook page, In Sane Marketing Solutions. Information will be showing up on that site as we develop the efforts to take our community to the rest of the nation!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I enjoy your humor and observations to the nth degree. I do wish events would get a hold of news outlets sooner so we know when things are coming up instead of happening yesterday or last weekend. Missed the science fair at MSSU and would have enjoyed going to see what kids were doing. My daughter won it one year in her category so we enjoyed seeing the other entries as much as our daughters.
    Seems MSSU is behind Pitt State with students taking part in community actions and in general everything to have with working in the city. Maybe MSSU is still a college versus a university. Maybe it is still a high ranked high school as many of its students have eluded to that I know. But I am 73 so things are different for us old folks.
