Monday, April 29, 2019

Clean Missouri: Don't let gerrymandering proposal advance in Senate

(From Clean Missouri)

The Missouri House just sent their gerrymandering proposal — HJR48 — to the state senate.

This new constitutional amendment would not only undo the voters' mandate for fair maps and fair redistricting — it would make our redistricting process more political than it was before the landslide passage of Amendment 1.

We can’t let them ignore the will of the people. Contact your Senator right now and tell them to protect fair maps and shut down this gerrymandering scheme.

HJR48 is politicians' plan to allow gerrymandering in Missouri — and we need your help to stop it in the Senate. If passed:

-Political appointees could rig maps to advance their own interests;

-Lobbyists and political appointees could split communities in the name of 'compactness;’

-And independence added to process with state demographer role would be gone.

We can’t look back on this moment thinking we could have done more to stop HJR48. Contact your Senator and tell them to stand with voters and protect fair maps.

Contact your senator now.


  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    And all of those things are going to happen with the vote that was passed!! If you think these districts were going to be done equally, you're fooling yourself. Doesn't really matter how they redistrict the map, MO is a red state.

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Not for much longer.
