Thursday, May 02, 2019

Bill White addresses the beginning of tornado, flood season


  1. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Wow! Revelatory, earth shattering! Remarkable in its groundbreaking insight! This is what a wife’s money paid for our State Senator to do??? Tell us what to do in a tornado?!? After May 2011, I am relatively sure most of SW Missouri, especially those of us in Joplin, have some inkling of the dangers and destruction that can happen. My question for State Senator White is “Where were you after the tornado?” I don’t remember seeing your face or hearing you on the news ever.
    Elliot Livingston

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      They bitch about anything that a Republican does. It doesn't matter what it is. Public service announcement getting criticized. Leftists are miserable, unhappy humans who have to find fault with everything that anyone they disagree with says or does.

    2. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Jealous much?

    3. Anonymous9:57 PM

      Jealous? Baby, that makes no sense.
