Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Cynthia Davis on LGBT laws: These people are getting more protection than Christians

(The author of this post, Cynthia Davis is a former Republican representative from O'Fallon and is an internet radio talk show host.)

It is wrong when the government passes laws to put one class of people above another.

 You'd think with all the complications with budgets, crime and immigration the legislatures would be busy enough working to move us forward. Proposals in both State and Federal governments are not focused on real problems, but rather on what people do in the privacy of their homes. 

 If people were acting outrageously in public, I can imagine it being a priority bill, but since when do we need new laws for people doing something nobody sees? One's behavior in the bedroom should not precipitate a governmental event.

Laws pertaining to deviant behavior are designed to make a segment of our society feel affirmed and validated (not the purpose of government). They also are designed with sharp teeth for those who want to harass others in a court of law and force societal acceptance of deviancy. Laws can have an impact on our practices through fear of lawsuits, not because of newly found moral convictions. 

The goal of these bills is to shift our public morals and assuage the guilt of those who know their behavior is wrong. Hollywood has been trying to do this for years and now the lawmakers in both major political parties are trying to force this on the general population.

We are now at a place where these people are getting more protections than the Christians! What if we made a special law to protect every group of people that exists? Oh yeah, that is what we have already!!! It was addressed before we were born!

The Declaration of Independence says, "...all Men are created equal..."
The Missouri Constitution says, "All persons are created equal and are entitled to equal rights and opportunity under the law." What part of "equal" do we not understand?

The leadership of both political parties think they need more laws, yet the current laws already have everything we want! This is just one more consequence to having term limits. The newbies think more laws with fix our problems (or at least will fix their re-election problems).

I feel sorry for all of us because in these culture wars there are no winners. Respect for the family and the autonomy of the family are issues that are losing ground. We have lost most of our cultural battles since the 1960s. The slide of increasing Socialism is pervasive. The Left is persistent. Even when the "Progressives" win, they are never satisfied. They're always looking for the next battle to take us further down the cultural slide.

Yet, there's a small glimmer of hope in every new generation. Each person still has the right to direct his or her own course. It's still possible to know right from wrong. The Roman Empire fell, but it was replaced with something better. I urge you to listen to our show today to learn how we can win.


  1. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I guess it is like the recent laws about to be passed by Alabama refusing an abortion to children or others that have been raped or had incest. You so-called Christians have tried to exclude all others to include Jews or other faiths because it is not yours. Leave people alone and crawl back into you medieval hole you came out of versus trying to change everyone to fit your little niche.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      This comment borders on asinine. People such as the above commenter repeatedly make reference to abortion as a religious issue. It does not deal with a divine deity. It simply deals with the issue of right or wrong. Whether or not a being is inside or outside the womb makes no difference. This is still the creation, or destruction of life. Liberals continue to astound with their belief or moral superiority (no I am not a Republican, simply one who expresses views on individual topics regardless of who it might offend). The hypocrisy of a group of people who advocate for the slaughter of fetuses but oppose the death penalty for human beings that choose to commit horrific crimes is astounding. The hate on this blog is simply saddening.

  2. I just can't even with this post today after that atrocious bill in Alabama. You talk about people having autonomy in their families and yet those 25 men in Alabama think they know what is right for every woman in Alabama or all of the US for that matter. Credibility=ZERO!

  3. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Cynthia is right. In other states, like Colorado the homosexuals get to oppress the Christians.

    So it is only just and fair that Christians take political power to make abortions illegal again in Missouri. Then you liberals can pay for a bus ticket for poor and minority women to Chicago so they can have as many abortions as they please.

    Just getting back to where we were back in 1972 where every state decided its own abortion laws.

  4. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Anytime any group receives preferential treatment over others it should concern all people. It doesn't matter what that group is.
    It is interesting that by most estimates homosexuals consist of no more than 5% of the population but due to the increased media exposure most Americans believe that percent to be much, much higher. TV commercials, TV shows, movies, etc. currently go out of their way to ensure that homosrxuals are represented at a higher rate than the 5% that they a totally are. What about other groups that account for larger percent of the population? Nearly 20% of the population is considered handicapped. The percent of Americans who are obese is better well over 50%. Those who consider themselves Christian are 75%. Where groups like this being represented in today's culture? If they are represented, it is not in proportion to real percents and certainly not in an exaggerated percent like the homosexuals.
    So, one has to ask why? What is it about that group that our society wants to ensure their message and lifestyle is represented?

  5. Anonymous9:01 AM

    @9:06 I'd like you to provide a source on LGBTQ oppressing Christians. It's okay, I'll wait while you fumble.

    Abortions will not be illegal or Alabama, or any other backwoods inbred racist friendly state. It will be struck down by the supreme court, we have this thing called the Fourth Amendment, backed up by Roe Vs Wade.

  6. Anonymous6:35 PM

    9:01, give us examples of Christians oppressing gays.

  7. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Cynthia: It is bigots like you, who seem to have snatched your supposed moral authority out of thin air,that necessitate these laws and the protections they provide.

  8. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I suspect @6:35 has been girding their loins for the coming battle between what they think is good and what their favorite gawd hu$tler$ consider evil. Teh Gays in particular!

    Also I'd like to ask @6:35 what's that about that handsome young pool boy the well known gawd hu$tler$ the Jerry FalwellS Jr$ have "invested" nearly $2 million with? To buy and renovate a hostel in South Beach (Miami) which has been described as a "LGBT-friendly hostel?”


    Tithe till it hurts so the gawd hu$tler$ can keep their politicians bought and their private jets in the air!
