Friday, May 24, 2019

Ed Martin on signing of anti-abortion bill: All Missourians are proud of the legislature and governor

(From Phyllis Schlafly Eagles)

Missouri Governor Mike Parson signed Missouri's Heartbeat Bill this morning, making Missouri the fifth state in 2019 to make the measure law. Known as "Missouri Stands for the Unborn Act," Missouri's take on the legislation included many additional protections and layers.

"Today all Missourians are proud of the legislature and governor for taking a stand on this defining issue," said Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. 

"As the ugly beliefs of the Democratic party show their true face, Americans are making their strong pro-life values known. 

"Protecting the right to life is the most fundamental issue Americans face today. Thanks to the unflappable work of Janet Porter and lawmakers like Rep. Steve King (R-IA), we now have a vehicle that will not only save the lives of American children but will withstand the judicial attacks of the left. 

"We look forward to seeing this measure pass other states. I pray this bold move by Missouri will cause the ultimate downfall of Roe v. Wade in Trump's Supreme Court."


  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Not all Missourians, only the ones that think they have the right to control the lives of others.

  2. Anonymous2:25 PM

    How did this happen so quick? Why wasn’t there any news, debate?

  3. Anonymous2:26 PM

    We’ve got to have someone running our government/lives beside white, old men!

  4. Anonymous2:39 PM

    When will women start to take notice of what your extreme right wing nut cases are doing to control their lives. Next they will be forced to wear head scarfs and will be forced to resign their role in business so a man can have their job; and more than likely doing a real poor job of doing it. Yes, master will be the new mantra for women if this debacle continues.

  5. Steve Holmes3:03 PM

    Conservatives, remember this the next time you bellow about getting Big Gummit out of people's lives. You've lost the high road.

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Steve Holmes, ok, I will remember. But laws restricting harming others have always been a thing. A thing that all decent people have agreed on for thousands of years.
      The high road? You wouldn't know how to find the high road with a map.

  6. Ed Martin, you are 100% wrong wrong wrong. Not all Missourians are proud of the legislature and governor. Some of us are horrified, dejected and despairing for the women of our state. I would add disgusted as well. This ban will be overturned by the court as it is unconstitutional. It will cost Missourians money to defend. It is a symbolic wasteful gesture, and hopefully a futile one.

  7. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Some Missourians believe exactly the opposite of what science tells us and have no regard for life at any stage. Some Missourians believe in self first and want no consequences for actions. Ed Martin, how dare you pretend to speak for all Missourians? You are a mealy mouthed man who has no idea what he is talking about. Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!

  8. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Still cant believe that in this day and age, in a modern society, that human beings are okay with homicide. It is depressing how awful society has become.

  9. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Let's discuss this article. If the percent of abortions for both rape and incest are below 1% and about 7% is due to health issues that means that more than 90% of abortions take place to simply to avoid having a child. Think about that. 90% 0f the more than 850,000 abortions are performed to dodge consequences for personal actions. But the argument we hear is all about the 10%. Propaganda is strong with the left.
