Thursday, May 09, 2019

Graves' message to teachers: We couldn't do it without you

(From Sixth District Congressman Sam Graves)

As the school year begins to wind down—though maybe not as quickly as we would like after so many snow days—it is important we take a moment to recognize the important role teachers play in our country.

Our teachers work tirelessly—through breaks, weekends, and weeknights—to help our children achieve great things in life.

Regardless of whether you grew up in a large school around Kansas City or in a rural classroom in Clark County, the story is the same. 

Dedicated, hardworking teachers put in an immense amount of effort to ensure our children receive the best education. 

One thing is for certain: I know that I, a farm kid from rural Northwest Missouri, never could have served in the halls of Congress without the help of some excellent, dedicated teachers along the way.

The difference teachers make in our lives is immeasurable and every day we should be grateful for their unwavering commitment to educating students. 

Too often we forget these heroes of our Nation’s classrooms, but this week, during Teacher Appreciation Week, we should all make time to thank the educators who have done so much for us and our children. Whether it’s a thoughtful gift, a meal, a classic apple on the desk, or a simple thank you card, communities all around North Missouri and across the country are letting our teachers know their efforts are greatly appreciated. 

In honor of our teachers and in recognition of Teacher Appreciation Week, I, along with my colleague Rep. Dave Loebsack from Southeast Iowa, introduced a resolution in Congress to recognize the contributions of America’s teachers. The work that they do builds and enhances our civic, cultural, and economic well-being in America. 

We all owe a debt of gratitude to teachers across North Missouri and around the country. There is no doubt that they have a meaningful and lasting impact on our lives—continually going above and beyond to help students become upstanding and successful citizens. Teacher Appreciation Week is an important opportunity for us all to recognize the vital role that teachers play in our country.

To all our teachers—who work around-the-clock to make North Missouri and America a better place, your lasting impact on our communities doesn’t end at the classroom door or the ringing of a bell, and our gratitude shouldn’t either. Thank you for all you do, we couldn’t do it without you.


  1. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Thank you.
    Now honor us by not messing with our retirement.

  2. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Get serious, you guys, republicans, are trying to bust their unions, end their retirement programs and in general shut down their public schools so rich cats like DeVos and her family make millions off of poor and ill fated "charter schools". How can you look your family in their face when you guys say one thing and spew out trash and deceit when you turn around. Worse thing to ever happen to let you and your kind stop investigations and meaningful legislation for the common man versus helping the 1% gain even more power and money.

  3. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Oh no, don't hurt the unions!

  4. Anonymous4:56 PM

    What would be really nice is if they eliminated DESE and the state school board. ALL politicians need to stay out of education except to provide money without strings attached. The constant testing needs to stop. Standards need to be based on child development. Teachers need to be allowed to teach; use their creativity and help students learn to love learning.

    If you want to know who is really making all the money, look at the companies that publish and sell the tests.

    Let children be children, let teachers teach.
