Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Day 13: Following former MSSU coach's motto, Troy Onstott takes giant step forward, rides bike

The recovery of Troy Onstott, 10, son of T. J. and Jill Onstott of Lamar, continued with some giant strides as Jill Onstott related in her latest Facebook update.

Day 13:

Dear Monday, you came and we conquered.

TJ had the opportunity to play under former Football Coach John Ware at Missouri Southern. Coach Ware believed that how you become a Giant of a Man is to get 1% better every day. 

TJ carried that motto over to his youth football players. And now that is our motto for Troy Boy! Troy exceeded that 1% today and he will one day stand with the land of Giants.

(See Facebook video below.)

“Training my mind to focus on God’s character instead of my circumstances reminds me that my life is in good hands. The hands of my Heavenly Father are trustworthy and solid and capable of helping us through any situation. Even when the world around us feels overwhelming, we don’t need to fear when we rely on God’s strength.”

This devotional was sent to me today. It is truly God’s strength and his strength only that has allowed me to focus on everything BUT our situation. You guys, I am so hopeful and excited for Troy’s future because God promises healing. He is a faithful God. So have no fear.

“If you want to take the fear out of the UNKNOWN, you have to take your attention to the KNOWN of God’s character.”

God- you continue to bust down our door and scream I’M HERE! You know that without you, we are weak and would crumble. I pray that when our mind starts to wonder, you strengthen our focus on you, Lord. You are our healer, the holder on our reins. 

I love you and believe in you with all my heart. 


Troy is down from 6 meds, to 2. They took him completely off his sleep aids and so far he’s been sleeping great. They have already started to wein him off the remaining 2 meds. Please pray for continued progress in therapy. It is not easy for Troy, in fact it’s HARD. He tires quickly and it’s not at all pretty. This will be a long long process. So hang with us.

Thank you all for EVERYTHING, your big hearts and thoughtful gestures will never be forgotten

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