Thursday, July 25, 2019

Graves: No collusion- now let's stop those socialists

(From Sixth District Congressman Sam Graves)

Since the day President Trump took office, America has been making a comeback.

President Trump’s agenda to lower taxes and cut unnecessary regulations has put American workers and American businesses first, and we’re reaping the rewards of these pro-growth policies. Our economy is booming. Job growth is on the rise and unemployment is at its lowest point in nearly half a century. Small business optimism and consumer confidence are soaring. President Trump promised to make America great again, and he’s doing just that. I’ve been proud to help him along the way.

Despite this great American comeback, some radicals in Washington are still chomping at the bit to impeach our President. Just last week, a third attempt was made to impeach President Trump. It failed—again. I was proud to stand alongside every Republican and independent member of Congress in opposing impeachment—along with 137 Democrats.

On top of that, today the House brought in former Special Counsel Robert Mueller to tell us what we already knew. Mueller, along with some 19 lawyers and 40 FBI agents, spent 22 months and $25 million digging for evidence. They issued 2,800 subpoenas and conducted 500 witness interviews, and what did they find?

Zero, zilch, nada, nothing, NO COLLUSION.

It’s not about that though. Those gunning for impeachment are the same folks who want to enact so-called “Medicare for All,” the “Green New Deal,” and other disastrous legislation that would destroy Medicare, start a total socialist takeover of our economy, and open our borders to illegal immigrants. This is about turning back the clock on all the economic progress we’ve made over the last few years. This is about pushing forward a radical agenda that will set America back years, if not decades.

Instead of continuing these theatrics and wasting more time, the House needs to get back to doing the peoples’ work. There are plenty of real problems we should be working on fixing—like making sure folks have the help they need to recover from the Flood of 2019, securing our border, and fixing our nation’s crumbling infrastructure.

It is my hope that after today, the House can finally get back to doing the work of the American people.


  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    You forgot to mention Walmart's new Center For World Domination or whatever they call it.

    Just over the line from SWMO!

    It should be a YOOGE boost unless they can't buy all that china made stuff anymore.

  2. Anonymous4:27 PM

    If this Graves guy is one of Missouri's wonder there is a problem with Missouri!
