Thursday, July 11, 2019

Troy Onstott's eyes open, other improvements noted

The long recovery process continues at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City for 10-year-old Troy Onstott, son of T. J. and Jill Onstott, Lamar, eight days after a UTV accident.

In her latest Facebook post, Jill Onstott offers several examples of improvement and offers thanks to God and all of those who have had the Onstott family in their prayers.

Day 8:

Peace out PICU! are a freaking stud. You did things today over and over again that brought your dad and I to tears, we are so stinking proud of you, buddy. 

We make a pretty darn good team, with God as our Team Captain. 

*Your eyes are fully OPEN now. You can track us some of the time, some of the time not so much. 

*You sat up in a wheelchair at 80 degrees.

*You gently rubbed my face to show me love. 

*You grabbed your wooden cross and stuck it up in the air for Papa to see (you did this on command)

*You were grabbing for things such as the bed railing etc. so your nurse gave you an empty plastic syringe to play with (and hopefully help distract you from pulling out your feeding tube) and in no time you were pulling the syringe apart with just one hand

*And tonight as you’re trying to settle in a new room with new people and less meds, feeling restless and agitated, you THROW the syringe across the floor. That is AWESOME Troy! Just awesome

God- what a leader you have been for us while in the PICU. We tossed it ALL up to you and you caught it. That’s one battle down! But the war is far from over. This will be the longest, toughest battle of them all. I ask you on bended knee Lord give us the endurance to bring home a victory. Show us the way. Help us to provide Troy with the happiest life, that you of all people know he deserves. He needs you to hold him tight tonight. We ask that you calm his nerves as he becomes more aware of the new and scary challenges he faces. And we thank you so much for the miracles you show us daily.
And Lord, if you haven’t noticed lately...your kingdom is growing. AMEN to that!

Friends, you all are crazy! And I mean that in the best way possible. Your generosity continues to flood in, and we continue to be overwhelmed. It’s unreal! With every #thumbsup possible, THANK YOU! We love you all so much!


  1. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Why do you feel the need to put down these parents? That is not at all constructive.

  2. Anonymous5:11 PM

    God.. flood this family with your peace and healing...In Jesus name

  3. Anonymous5:37 PM


  4. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Maybe I'm an idiot, but my kids aren't in PICU. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
