Monday, July 15, 2019

Was everyone too quick to jump on the racism bandwagon about President Trump's tweets?

As I watch the continued fallout from President Trump's so-called racist tweet, I wonder if perhaps that tweet was misinterpreted by some who are far too eager to play the race card.

Consider what he wrote:

Everyone was quick to jump on the president for talking about the countries where Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Avanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib come from when all of them except Omar came from the United States.

The president continued by noting the Congresswomen came from "countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all)..."

Why should we be so quick to assume that the president did not know that the women came from the United States?

Perhaps this was President Trump taking a good, hard look at the government of the country where three of these women were born and where all four of them are citizens

Perhaps after a sincere, honest reflection on his administration, the president boldly signed onto Twitter and not only assessed his job performance, but was also inclusive enough to bring four of his critics, all women of color, into the tweet.

And for that, people are accusing President Trump of racism?

I only saw the president's first tweet. Were there any others?


  1. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I hope someone can explain how that comment is racist.

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Explain it to me too. The point of his tweet is, if they are US citizens why have dual citizenship and continuously criticize the laws if our land?!. His point is simple, if their home countries are so good, why did their families immigrate to the U.S.??!! And still here complaining.

    2. Anonymous2:03 PM

      It's pretty simple, he told a black person to go back to Africa.

    3. Anonymous4:09 PM

      What home countries are you talking about? All but Omar were born here. As she is now a naturalized citizen, she's as as much an American as you, plus also serving her country as an elected member of Congress.

    4. Anonymous5:56 PM

      2:03, if someone told Paul McCartney to go back to Europe would that be racist?

  2. The president needs to be more mature and behave like an adult. I don't like the head of the nation using social media except to let me know important business. I don't consider what he does in my best interest, only his. As Geraldo said, "take the high road, Mr. President."

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      His Tweets can be a bit much at times, but in this case he was simply being honest. The Squad (so cute that they have a name for their little click) are anti American, it doesn't matter what color their skin, eyes or hair is. They are a corroding force within our own government. Trump just called them out on their hypocrisy.

    2. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Naw, a hypocrite would dodge military service with a bogus bone spur deferment, then years later throw himself a military parade. FTFY.

    3. Anonymous2:45 PM

      It's "clique" but don't feel bad, the President can't spell so great either.

    4. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Hey hillbilly, they're not anti-American, they ARE American.

    5. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Could be that you don't understand racism.

    6. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Explain it then.

    7. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Oh the old point out spelling mistakes because you have nothing of substance to say.
      Then the guy/girl/thing uses the derogatory term "hillbilly" to describe someone as he complains about racism. Look up the word "irony", 3:39.
      Was the parade on the 4th FOR Trump or was it a celebration of country? I don't remember seeing any banners with his face or name on them or any statues of him being put up. Maybe, just maybe it was for the country...

    8. Anonymous4:40 PM

      Sandi Wells: Racism? Never heard of them.

    9. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Yes, bad spelling gets called out. Make the effort.

    10. Anonymous5:48 PM

      But don't excert anything intellectual to defend your point... spelling is all that matters.

  3. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I think Trump's point was to draw attention away from his close relationship with the pedophile creep Epstein. Tweeting something racist and inflammatory just comes easy for him, so he opted for that.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Yeah... that is exactly what was. Good God...

    2. Anonymous2:38 PM

      You're right, no way is he that clever. This was just some plain ol' Trump racism, triggered by his tendency to feel threatened by powerful women.

    3. Anonymous5:43 PM

      "Ok, explain racism to me"

      *Racism is explained*

      "Nothing is racist"

    4. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Sure, 4:28. The Republican Right is more than willing to BE racist to ensure that they are aligned against the Left.

    5. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Help a poor hillbilly out and point out where racism was explained, please.

    6. Anonymous7:02 PM

      If a person of color that was born in a country inhabited predominantly by people of color is singled out and told she should return to that country, are they allowed to feel that they were regarded on the basis of race or not? In other words, is it okay to say "go back to Africa"?

    7. Anonymous7:52 PM

      No. Being from Somalia and being told that you can go back if you are not happy with the country you are in is in no way shape or form racist. It is being honest. This is America, if you are unhappy you can change your situation. You dislike this country you are free to leave. It matters not what color you are. You crybabies on the left think that if someone's skin has a little pigment that you have to wrap them in bubble wrap and plug their ears so that can't feel or hear anything. Everyone is supposed to be outraged because a brown skinned woman has been told she has the freedom to leave a situation that she doesn't like. So which is it? Does a brown skin woman have the freedom to leave a bad situation or is the brown skinned woman powerless in her life?

    8. Anonymous8:46 PM

      I guess if you put it that way, Trump's not a racist, he's a big baby who wishes his political opponents would just go away.

    9. Anonymous8:25 AM

      She's not MY enemy,and you don't actually dictate what is or isn't "American". Your grip on what the future will be like is slipping.

    10. Anonymous10:07 AM

      8:25, my remarks are not based on her country of origin or color of her skin. Omar has made comments that are sympathetic to a group that the United States as been engaged in conflict with for more than 15 years. That makes her an enemy of this country. I never claimed that anything was American. I stated who was anti American. Not American. Not non American. Anti American... someone who is against America. And her statements speak for themselves.

    11. Anonymous1:16 PM

      I'm ardently opposed to the current commander-in-chief, am I then an enemy of your 'Murica?

    12. Anonymous5:39 AM

      I recognized an attempt at sarcasm and then I did indeed call someone a moron.

  4. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I agree, Randy. Trump was clearly recognizing his own failures and undergoing an existential crisis. However, being true to his inarticulate, sexist, and deeply racist self, he couldn't help but manage to insult women of color who hold positions of power.

  5. Anonymous2:57 PM

    What "women" is this idiot even talking about? He's clearly indicating a plurality but Omar is the only one who wasn't a natural born citizen.

  6. Anonymous4:29 PM

    If the Democrats started the KKK their supporters would try and say the Republicans did it...

  7. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Christ, that's a stale chestnut. Right, totally the same party that exists today.

  8. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Human perspectives are malleable. In any case, the Republicans are the wrong side of history right now.

  9. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Kind of funny how Dems think that their party has never done anything bad. They bring up the KKK and it gets pointed out that they started it so they thing a few politicians switching sides completely changed the parties. Democrats meanwhile spend their entire existence trying to keep minorities under their thumb. Democrats are the highest form of hypocrisy.

  10. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Don't all the bleeding hearts posting on here have a dead bear to cry about?

  11. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Gant McGriff and Justice?

  12. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Being antisemitic and down playing the Holocaust by comparing to detaining criminals isn't a great look for Democrats.

    By the way, how did Obama handle illegals?

  13. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Why don't all of you "White Eyes" go back where you came from?

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Because maybe the White Eyes (whatever that is) are happy here?

  14. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Whether he is racist or not, I’m so tired of his arrogance and I’m tired of the way he bullies people.

    It seems so many of his supporters think he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. Why? Is it because he doesn’t seem to have a filter and is continuously running his mouth or Twitter account. He stands up to the establishment or status quo? He’s on our side, he’s one of us and cares?

    He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He’s NOT one of us. I wonder if he’s ever stepped foot in a Walmart. I wonder if he has ever had to decide which bill to pay this month and which one will have to wait. Has he ever driven a car, let alone try to figure out how to pay for repairs or new tires. Did he ever have to figure out how the heck to come up with tuition money at a state college for himself or his kids? I would bet he hasn’t had to deal with ANY of the problems most of us reading or commenting on this blog face on a daily basis.

    I don’t begrudge him or anyone with wealth the advantages they have in life. I suspect the above examples would apply to many politicians. The problem I have with any of this is people thinking he gives a sh*t about us, just because he speaks his mind. BFD.

    I VOTED FOR HIM. Big mistake.

  15. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Using the term "concentration camp" outside of discussing the Holocaust isn't inherently anti-Semitic. That's just what Fox and Friends told you to think.

  16. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Obama didn't cage children so he could feel like a big tough guy. He didn't have a xenophobic voter base he needed to impress, though.

  17. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Read up on Omar. Her antisemitic remarks are far deeper than simply mentioning concentration camps.

    Go ahead, deny it...

  18. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Trump is NOT going to be happy about the next 007...

  19. Anonymous3:00 PM

    For a guy who literally paints himself orange, Trump's got some nerve judging people by the color of their skin.

  20. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I’m pretty sure it is racist to say Whites need to sit down and shut up.they had their time and that time is in the past.”

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Don't care what you think is racist. You're ideas don't matter anymore.

  21. Anonymous7:40 PM

    I went to twitter to see what his actual tweet said, and there is no mention of any specific people nor the countries from which they came. How did the narrative in this outrage come to include the congresswomen you mentioned, Randy? I am seriously trying to determine how you came up with those four names. We’re you just repeating what you heard on biased media sites? Where did those names originate as the targets of his tweet? Any reference? Asking seriously. Please help us understand.

  22. Anonymous8:56 PM

    "Biased media sites"...funny how people that make that complaint tend to consume nothing but right-wing media all day, every day.

  23. Anonymous9:42 PM

    “Right-wing media” falls in the “biased media sites” category, genius. That was my point. Everyone seems to be assuming so much, and that appears to contribute to the breakdown of discourse.

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Both sides think the other side is the only one that has propaganda news outlets.

  24. Anonymous8:11 AM

    If you are too stupid to understand that telling someone to go back where they came from is racist, then take it from the E.E.O.C. where it is stated...
    Harassment Based on National Origin
    “Ethnic slurs and other verbal or physical conduct because of nationality are illegal if they are severe or pervasive and create an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment, interfere with work performance, or negatively affect job opportunities. Examples of potentially unlawful conduct include insults, taunting, or ethnic epithets, such as making fun of a person's foreign accent or comments like, "Go back to where you came from, " whether made by supervisors or by co-workers.”
    Racists that say such are subject to lawsuits to financially penalize them and their employers, so yeah be extra stupid and say something like this at work and watch your employer fire your worthless butt.

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      8:11, you sound as hostile and as thin skinned as anyone involved in this debate.

      Your interpretation of what was said is filtered through the wanting to be outraged and offended. I am very sure that President Trump would have said the exact same thing if there a senator who was born in Sweden and had blonde hair and blue eyes and continually disparaged the country. His remarks had nothing to do with race. It had everything to do with socialist ideas and verbal attacks on the U.S. But, as leftist are prone to do, play the race card and ignore facts. Be outraged and appalled by statements that you misinterpret because that is what you want. You want to be outraged. So be outraged.

    2. Anonymous12:40 PM

      10:19 He might, but Trump has certainly demonstrated a tendency to go after people of color. Given that I'm "hostile" toward bigots, I'll call it his preference.

    3. Anonymous4:54 AM

      @1240, Trump has gone after everyone. Polosi, Schummer, etc. He doesn't care about skin color. Trying to hang racist on someone is just what the left does. Instead of trying to pigeonhole him as a racist they should stick to his policies.
      Every person on the right who has been close to having any power has been labelled a racist for the past 2 years or more. It is a boring, stupid tactic that no thinking lemmings bite on everytime. Meanwhile the left cozy up to Farikahn, Wright and whatever the guy's name is that Hilary listed as a mentor who was a Klansman. The hypocrisy is laughable.

  25. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Excellent point, 8:11. Though Trump supporters will no doubt disagree and cite this as an example of "political correctness gone too far".

  26. Anonymous11:41 AM

    @ 10:19

    Just quoting the law from the E.E.O.C., which was created as a result of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which dealt with the systemic racism of the southern US, and parts of the north. What Trump said was a cited example of racist views will not be acceptable as a matter of federal law. You may not agree with the Civil Rights Act, but you are definitely subject to those laws. It would result in a winning lawsuit against your employer to say such to another in the workplace. That’s assuming you don’t work for Billy Bob’s ditch diggers and never make enough money to justify the suit, but it could still be done and a judgement recieived against you both. It’s not an interpretation, it’s a literal example. If you doubt this, be a man and say it at work, and see what happens.

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Cool, just quoting laws. Let's talk about immigration laws, lefty? And how they apply to the crisis at the border.

      Makes me laugh anytime leftists want to talk about law and order yet can't say "illegal immigrant"....

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      I just did it at work. I don't know who Biily Bob is or who 10:19 is. I still have a job and I am not concerned about litigation. So how that we have settled that, what else do you leftist/socialist/communist/snowflake jackasses want to cry about?

    3. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Oh sugar, he is your president too.

  27. Anonymous1:50 PM

    12:59 please don't try to make "Be Racist at Work Challenge" a thing, ok?

  28. Anonymous7:16 PM

    My Gawd.....

    Summary of every conversation ever had on this blog:

    Commenter 1: This is my opinion.

    Commenter 2: you're wrong and here is why you are wrong.

    Commenter 1: if you dont agree with me you're an idiot.

    Commenter 2: I'm an armchair lawyer and you must not have any concept of the law.

    Commenter 1: Reading comprehension....go get some.

    Commenter 2: I'm the grammar police. Let me be clever and correct your typos so that I can appear superior to you.

    Commenter 1: you're an idiot.

    Commenter 2: you have no arguement so you resort to name calling.

    Commenter 1: trump is a racist

    Commenter 2: Obama was the worst thing to ever to happen to this nation.

    Commenter 1: F you I declare victory.

    Commenter 2: F you I declare victory.

    Morons....grow up.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Yet you read it...

    2. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Love it! This just might be the best post I've read all year!

  29. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Welcome to the internet, 7:16. This is how we do. You'll have more fun if you just jump in, plus nobody wants their Mom here.

    1. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Dynamite drop in 7:34. You spend all day on that comeback? you certainly resemble the above remarks.

  30. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Anybody else feel sad that sometime, somewhere, somebody hurt 8:36?

  31. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Awwww...come on now 11:25. Ya got called out on a low brow troll post. Ya took a good hit, got ribbed a little. I would let it go at that rather than continue down the same path with yet another similar post...

  32. Anonymous7:45 PM

    5 star thread!
