Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What the hell is the matter with KZRG?

Last week's Mueller hearings brought out the worst in both those who have counted on the report as a pathway to the removal of President Donald Trump and those who want to do anything to tear it apart no matter what the cost.

For some that led to irresponsible musings that Robert Mueller had lost several steps since the day he left his position as FBI director and some went even further saying he showed clear signs of dementia.

Others used Mueller's testimony as "proof" he had nothing to do with the writing of his report and that it was all done by those "angry Democrats" the president has been whining about for months.

In the first place, the only legitimate criticism of Mueller's testimony is that he apparently did not spend enough time familiarizing himself with every page on the second half of his report.

Of course, he did not write a 448-page report. He directed an investigation that included people whose job it was to compile the information and put it into the report.

There was also a reason why the obstruction part of the report was the second part.

Those who were on the attack and claiming Mueller showed signs of dementia conveniently neglected to mention that Mueller showed during the afternoon session he clearly knew his stuff when it came to the first half of the report- the part it was obvious he considered to be the most important part.

Let's not forget what the subject of that first half was- a sweeping effort by Russia to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

He was not addle-brained and let's not forget- no Republican questioned any of the facts that were in the report ... and none of them except for Will Hurd from Texas, a former CIA agent, appeared to be concerned about the more than 100 documented instances of people in the Trump campaign or connected to the Trump campaign meeting with people in or connected to the Russian government or Mueller's warning that the Russians were hard at work with efforts to influence the 2020 election.

The expected attacks were swift from Trump supporters.

A favored weapon was memes- the go-to attack device for those who are not clever or original enough to put their own thoughts into words.

I banned those on my Facebook page and the Inside Joplin Facebook page, though every once in a while someone still posts one that I have to delete because the person was not aware of my rule.

As I have written before, memes cheapen the public discourse, which definitely does not need any more cheapening in this day and age.

If the only way you can speak is through memes, you are better off keeping your mouth shut.

And that brings me to KZRG.

Anyone who has had the courage to sift through the comments on KZRG's Facebook page knows that memes are spread throughout them with the same consistency with which one would spread fertilizer on a yard- with the same result and with the same odor.

It appears that whoever is handling the KZRG Facebook page has decided to play to his or her baser instincts and join in on the "fun."

It angered me when I saw the one KZRG posted on the Mueller hearings.

The meme showed Mueller shuffling through the pages of his report while looking for something that one of the Congress members asked.

It read, "When your mom writes your book report and you are asked questions about it in class."

I am not above a cheap joke and may have even sprinkled one or two in this post, but who is this KZRG Facebook poster to take such a cheap shot at Robert Mueller?

-Robert Mueller volunteered to serve this country in Vietnam and was wounded in action, choosing to serve despite the fact that he came from a well-to-do family and would have had no problem finding a way to avoid service as other people with money often did.

-Robert Mueller was director of the FBI for 12 years and guided the agency in the dark days fellowing September 11, 2001.

-Robert Mueller returned to the public service at a time when his country needed him to conduct an investigation into what was clearly a Russian attack on our democracy.

Perhaps the person who apparently had no trouble at all posting the meme is someone who served his or her country in the military. That would surprise me since I have a hard time believing someone who served this country would make fun of someone who was doing what he thought was his civic and patriotic responsibility.

I am not saying Robert Mueller is above criticism. He is not.

What I am saying, however, is that he deserves far better than having a juvenile joke posted about him by whoever is doing the Facebook posts at KZRG.

KZRG's Facebook page has always been a repository for comments of those who regularly follow their programming, which includes daily doses of talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin and feel it is a sign of intellectual prowess to parrot their talking points.

Lately, KZRG has also been parroting those talking points in its Facebook posts and not waiting for the readers to post them on their own.

It is sad.

It is even sadder when someone whose name is never affixed to these comments belittles an American hero.

What the hell is the matter with KZRG?


  1. Anonymous12:25 PM're upset they posted the meme and then you add it to your post. hmmm

  2. It makes sense to provide evidence that this was what KZRG did and what prompted me to write about it, but if that logic escapes you, there is not much I can do about it.

  3. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Found the KZRG fan! @12:25

  4. Anonymous1:19 PM

    LOL! Did I really just waste my time reading this??

  5. To Anonymous 1:19: Could be. You certainly wasted mine with your comment.

  6. Anonymous2:59 PM

    He had over two years to familiarize himself with his own report. What you saw was the inevitable conclusion to an investigation that started because Hillary didn't get her turn to be president.
    Of course Russia, along with lots of other nations, tried to sway our elections. They have been doing that for decades. We do it too. Mueller was used by the #Resist democrats to draw out the #russiagate crap through the midterms and they hoped until 2020.
    We need to declassify now. Let's see who is left standing.

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      2:59 gets it. Randy Turner's article reads like most in the left leaning media. It reads as if the author is angry because our country's president was found to be guilty of what he was being accused. The article, like the Democrats who pushed for this testimony, fells to understand that no one has to prove their innocence. We all innocent until proven otherwise no matter who cries about it.

  7. Sandi Wells5:02 PM

    There was definately collusion but not from the Trump campaign! It was from the Clinton campaign and we all know it!! You're just as blind as all the dems!!

  8. This investigation was a farce from day one. The people who should have been investigated was Hillary and Steeles fake dossier,and the DNC. But then again why would they when the members of Muellers investigation consisted of 17 Democrats who, over half donated to Hillary's campaign.

  9. The report was a total hoax and should have never happened to begin with! The entire country has been dealing with this fairy tale for 2 years! I believe it is MORE than appropriate to make fun of every single individual who had a hand in this stupidity! Fair game baby! And moreover, any REAL American patriot would never allow himself to be a total democrat tool! Meme away! They deserve that and much more!

  10. Anonymous8:51 PM

    The KZRG facebook comments: Where all those deplorables who used to make crank phone calls and put phone numbers of their enemies on the walls of public bathrooom stalls (for a good time call ###-####) go to continue to prove that stupid is as stupid does!

  11. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Look out lefties, Rushman's strapped up with memes and as a REAL American patriot he will not hesitate to use them in defense of his country.

  12. I have never sent nor made a meme in my life, yet have enjoyed many snowflake melting memes. This would be a time when that is appropriate. Memes are an appropriate way of pointing out the lefts stupidity. I so enjoy it too!

  13. Anonymous5:45 AM

    To try to excuse Mueller's not knowing what was in a report that he was in charge of and cost the country millions of dollars to produce is ridiculous. The man was unaware of facts in the report that ordinary people completely unconnected to the investigation knew. Fusion GPS? The guy deserves to be mocked. As does anyone who tries to defend him or find anything of value in the toilet paper roll of a report.

  14. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Correction, Rushman doesn't make memes or contribute anything else of value.

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      As does Anonymous who posted at 6:32 AM.

  15. I vote conservative, pay taxes and I contribute greatly to our local economy. I hope you are doing the same.

  16. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Randy, concepts like decent behavior and respect for genuine patriotism are foreign to the Trump cult, but the rest of us know what you're talking about.

  17. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Conservative "patriotism", aka white nationalism. What else do they appear to be attempting to conserve?

  18. Why is it always about race with you liberals. Love of country or the POTUS has nothing to do with color. White nationalism is total BS! I could careless the color of any person of congress or the POTUS! But when it comes to liberalism, there is no greater destructive force in our country! Liberalism destroys everything thing it touches equally!

    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      You can love the current POTUS, OR you can be a good person. Not both.

    2. Anonymous11:05 AM

      5:48, you can he a good person and not judge others believes or you can be a douche bag and judge others believes. Not both.

  19. Anonymous5:41 AM

    What exactly is "comical" about it? Is it just that conservatives refuse to take matters of race seriously?

  20. Anonymous11:25 AM

    It's comical because the left tells us race doesn't matter or shouldn't matter yet it is all they want to talk about. People on the right try not categorize people by race, the left loves to categorize by race. But the color of a person's skin doesn't matter. It isn't that the right doesn't take race seriously, it is that the left is hypocritical about it. Should we notice a person is black or should we just view them as another person? Which is it, Lefty?

  21. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Never listen to Sean Hannity. Have no idea what he says. But Ibwill tell you that 11:25 is right. And none of the leftists on here will dare answer his question.

  22. Anonymous7:25 PM

    2:50, would you mind pointing out the Hannity and Limbaugh talking points that have been mentioned here, please? Thank you.

  23. I’m not sure how this specific topic got taken into race land. Where you have liberals commenting, you have race injected. Let’s not forget the person who is the target of a meme. An old WHITE republican dude. So I as a conservative, was helping to point out the folly of an old white guy. If I was to tell you that I am a black man, would you still think I was a racist? So I’m going to close with this. Muller was not prepared and looked like an old fool! The meme that KZRG put out was totally accurate and really too kind. Again, after 2 years and more BS than America should have to put up with, many leftist fools and precious Muller should be looking for places that don’t have any extradition! In a few months you can go to the poll and vote for whoever you like. That is one way to remove a sitting President. I’m not a Russian telling you how to vote. Nor did a Russian come into my house in 2016, wake me up and drive me to the polls to vote for Trump. Trump won because Hillary and a continuation of a failed presidency is something America didn’t want! Trump out worked her and is much brighter than her, and has / had a lot better ideas! Hillary is a looser. And she hitched her wagon to a looser party. No special council can unf*ck that for you liberals. Again, please, meme away!

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Here, here, Rushman.

      It does no good to hit the left with facts and logic. As you can read above, they simply throw verbal grenades of nonsense and they refuse to respond to legitimate questions. They have nothing but hurt feelings because they can't cope with people having differing viewpoints. Essentially, they are spoiled children who can't handle their emotions.

  24. Anonymous7:21 AM

    And once again,lefties have no comments.
