Monday, September 23, 2019

Carthage man held on $25,000 cash only bond after arrest for statutory rape, statutory sodomy

A Carthage man pleaded not guilty to statutory rape and statutory sodomy charges during a video arraignment held today in Jasper County Circuit Court.

Judge Joseph Hensley rejected the request of Aarron Bittick, 34, to have his bond lowered from $25,000 cash only and scheduled a bond hearing 8:30 a.m. Wednesday.

The Carthage Police Department arrested Bittick after receiving a report from a 14-year-old juvenile that claimed to have been molested by Bittick.

The molestation allegedly occurred September 1.

After an investigation, Bittick was taken into custody and is being held in the Jasper County Jail.


  1. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Still no wall?

    Right down 44 isn't far enough North apparently for this alleged perv.

    Might need to follow 54 to git-r-dun as far as some of the deplorables!

  2. Anonymous3:29 PM

    STFU with your crap about the wall. This has nothing to do with it.

  3. Anonymous7:24 PM

    I don't believe there will ever be a shortage of nuts in SWMO!

    Even tho they sometimes act like little melting snowflakes.

    Whether or not there's ever a wall.

  4. As the 14 year old girl who got raped by this man... I can say that no wall will help. Unfortunately this man is my biological father... And he was completely white and american. No borders crossed. And as an update to the blogger; I would like to inform you that the local Moron church payed his bond of $25,000 and he is now out of jail and on parole. However the no contact (direct or indirect) order is still in place. Yet he is still stalking me through other people. To the point where I AM NOT safe.

  5. Anonymous9:04 AM

    So no church paid this bond. It has also been discovered via evidence, in the alleged girl’s own writings while he was briefly locked up with no proof, that the girl admits to multiple people that she was a virgin and that she had been planning this to get away from family members that didn’t want her sleeping at 13/14 with a 17 year old. She did the same thing to her grand mother and even started doing it to her mom. Once the state got involved and saw these behaviors, and the proof, this was added to her already existing record. This girl is loved and needs help. Her family, church, and friends miss her and were very hurt when she cut everyone off for a boy. They still love her unconditionally and want to help and support her, accept that she will do what she feels she can to make her life what she wants it to be, and will be there whenever she wants them back in her life.
