Thursday, September 19, 2019

Graves: Green New Deal isn't to save the planet; it's a government takeover

(From Sixth District Congressman Sam Graves)

It’s time to set the record straight on the Green New Deal. We all thought it was a joke back in February, but now the chickens have come home to roost and we’re marching closer towards this nightmare becoming a reality.

Last week, liberals in Washington started acting on their Green New Deal agenda, trying to enact draconian limits on American oil drilling—jeopardizing American energy independence.

These measures, in effect, would raise prices on everyday Americans and increase our reliance on middle-eastern oil—all part of a desperate ploy to garner support for the disastrous Green New Deal.

In another frantic effort to push their agenda forward, one Congresswoman went so far as to claim “the world is going to end in 12 years” if we don’t pass it. That’s a load of hogwash. All the evidence says that isn’t the case—and the only impact of the Green New Deal will be the destruction of our economy. The estimated $93 trillion plan could cost American families in some states an estimated average of $70,000 in the first year alone, and only have a minimal impact on the environment.

It doesn’t matter, though. The Green New Deal and plans like it aren’t about “saving the planet.” Most of the rambling manifesto is dedicated to a government takeover of our economy. One of the plan’s architects has even admitted the Green New Deal isn’t about the climate, it’s “a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.” In simpler terms, the Green New Deal isn’t about the environment at all; it’s about making America a socialist country.

Small business optimism is at its highest point in years. Impose an endless list of onerous regulations and new taxes and you can watch that optimism quickly turn to despair. While we all might get a good chuckle out of the notion that folks using plastic straws and eating hamburgers are “part of the problem,” radical proposals like the Green New Deal pose a real threat to our booming economy.

This isn’t just about protecting our freedom from the vile plague of paper straws. This isn’t just about protecting American agriculture and air travel. It’s about protecting the promise of the American Dream for our children and generations of Americans to come. This is about protecting the very foundation of freedom in America.


  1. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Where to begin! Tell those in Houston, Puerto Rico, Miami and islands in the Pacific that global warming is not happening and that climate change is not needed. You are upchucking the mantra of the republican party and its wealthy donors to continue on course as we have it is not working to the best of mankind. It is always good for business when the end is near as we have seen in multiple crashes in the past, but this is not one of business, but of our planet. How about admitting that renewables are providing higher paying and more jobs for those willing to adapt than other energy industries? Why are we selling petroleum products overseas when the possibility of their shortage is on the horizon with middle east turmoil? Why are so many industries leaving our country instead of adapting and upgrading their production facilities and getting tax breaks to boot? Why is one side of our Congress so willing to ignore the constant lying, turnover and corruption in the present administration? Answer some of those questions instead of attacking those willing to change to a more healthful climate.

  2. Anonymous3:24 PM

    The fossil fuel industries and those like Graves who work so hard to support and protect them can't or won't see beyond their immediate financial interests. They don't care about the futures of their children and grandchildren or about anything else except money. Anyone who doesn't believe that the earth is warming, creating catastrophic changes in climate and weather patterns, and that it will only get worse is either ignorant or willfully blind. Fossil fuels are killing this planet, slowly and surely, and as it has been pointed out, we have no Planet B. We desperately need leaders with vision and the courage to start turning things around before it is too late. There was a time when the US would have tackled this problem full force and led the world in resolving it. That's the country I grew up in, and I miss it every day.

  3. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Ok 4 State Intellectuals, if we do using fossil fuels what replaces them?

    Electric planes? Solar powered trains? And what about the other petroleum based products?

    Come on, we here on the Turner Report with our anonymous posts should be able to solve this simple issue.
