Friday, October 11, 2019

Billy Long: Now is the time to pass the USMCA

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

The clock is ticking for Congress to implement President Trump’s renegotiated trade deal with Mexico and Canada, known as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Signed in late 2018, the USMCA would revise and modernize the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Although it has strong bipartisan support, it appears to be drowned out by Speaker Pelosi’s unprecedented impeachment declaration. For the speaker, it seems that keeping this political divide alive comes before legislative responsibilities even at the expense of strong policies like the USMCA.

Before going into effect, the USMCA must be approved by the legislative branches of all three countries. While it passed the Mexican legislature with ease and passage in Canada’s Parliament is expected, the USMCA, like many other common-sense bipartisan bills, has been neglected by the speaker in favor of partisan policies. 

With the 2020 election quickly approaching, many of my colleagues and I fear that the USMCA could become a political football, never making any real movement or passing in the congressional gridiron.

The benefits of a trilateral trade agreement with Mexico and Canada to our economy are undeniable. Since the NAFTA was enacted in 1994, American agriculture exports to Canada and Mexico have increased by 289% and 311% respectively. 

Roughly 20% of the U.S.’s agriculture products go to foreign markets with Mexico and Canada exports generating $41 billion collectively. What’s more, these exports support more than 325,000 American jobs. Missouri has benefited greatly from this agreement, exporting billions of dollars in goods to Mexico and Canada in 2018. 

The USMCA promises to only strengthen these numbers by offering crucial improvements to NAFTA such as enforcing workers’ rights by requiring Mexico to create safe working conditions and enforce minimum wages; protecting intellectual property rights to curtail piracy and the manufacturing of counterfeit goods; and enforcing environment protections that will curb trafficking wildlife and timber and improve air quality.

When you examine the negotiated improvements the USMCA offers, Democratic party support seems like a no-brainer; and yet, Speaker Pelosi has made no attempt to bring it to a vote. With U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer’s eagerness to, in Speaker Pelosi’s own words, “get to a yes,” and making actual strides, one can’t help but question her true motives.

The current trade agreement is a house of cards and, if rejected or ignored by Congress, it could crumble. Should Congress fail to act, the impact could be catastrophic; it could force the president to pull out of NAFTA, effectively upending a 25-year supply chain and devastating parts of the U.S. economy. With millions of U.S. jobs and billions of dollars hanging in the balance, we cannot wait nor can we allow Speaker Pelosi to play partisan politics at the expense of millions of Americans.

Now is the time to bring the USMCA past the finish line and I encourage Speaker Pelosi to bring it to the floor for a vote immediately.


  1. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Really sucks Billy when Pelosi acts like Moscow Mitch on various subjects that just you guys want. Suck it up and start trying to work with instead of against the other side. By the way, how do you feel about your Orange Hair and all the stuff him and Guiliani are doing and have done in the past?

    1. Anonymous5:49 AM

      You do realize that Billy Long more than likely doesn't read this blog, right? So talking directly to him and asking him questions here is pointless.

      Al this guy does is go to Vegas.

  2. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Did Billy Long more than likely not read Bungalow Bill's blog?

    Did Billy Long watch that Billy Long Parody by Bungalow Bill?

    Asking for a friend!

  3. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Yikes! That link doesn't work.

    LET'S TRY THIS ONE! Billy Long Parody by Bungalow Bill

    'Cause there's a fat man in the bathtub with the blues
    I hear you moan, I hear you moan, I hear you moan -- moan

    Billy got so sad, dejected, put on his hat and started to run
    Runnin' down the street yellin' at the top of his lungs
    All I want in this life and time is some good clean fun

    1. Anonymous9:06 PM

      Oh geez... quoting songs about hookers and drugs just because it metaphorically mentions a fat man isn't as clever as you seem to think it is.

  4. Anonymous10:25 PM

    You seem to have a problem! Might want to try some some Metamucil or ExLax!
