Thursday, October 03, 2019

Graves: Trump's trade deal with Japan a victory for Missouri farmers

(From Sixth District Congressman Sam Graves)

You may have missed it amidst all the impeachment hoopla, but President Trump secured another trade victory last week.

In a big win for farmers, the United States reached a trade deal with Japan, our third largest agricultural export market. As a result, Japan will reduce tariffs on both fresh and frozen beef and pork. Tariffs will be eliminated or phased out on a multitude of U.S. farm products including several produced in Missouri such as sweet corn, sorghum, ethanol, frozen poultry, processed pork, egg products and wine.

The United States, on the other hand, will eliminate or reduce tariffs on several products produced in Japan including green tea, chewing gum, and certain perennial and cut flowers. This is welcome news for U.S consumers.

This is a big deal for America. Our farmers will greatly benefit from the U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement, with almost unfettered access to the 127 million consumers in Japan. The more markets available, the better it is for rural Missouri, with increased job growth and the potential for rising farm income.

While President Trump is busy securing good trade deals for rural America, Nancy Pelosi still won’t bring the United States-Mexico-Canada agreement to the floor of the House. Impeachment has sucked the oxygen out of the room and nobody in the majority can seem to focus on what’s actually going to help our country.

Passing USMCA is a no-brainer and there’s no doubt it will happen if it gets to the House floor. The administration secured a good, free, and fair trade deal and it’s ready to pass. As we all know though, this isn’t about getting a good deal; it’s about denying the President a win.

In spite of the clear benefits, I’m willing to bet that if the U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement had been required to come to the House floor, it would still be languishing there as well. Thankfully, Nancy Pelosi didn’t get a say on the Japan deal.

It’s been a tough year for farmers. The U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement is certainly welcome news. Now it’s time to bring USMCA to a vote and get it done. North Missouri is counting on it.


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Just like Trump's great ethanol victory.


    Not sure he is anything more than another chump for Trump.

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Motherfing poet, man. Do some more. Dylan Thomas, T.S. Eliot, Jack Kerouac and Anonymous 6:22. The greatest poets I have ever had the pleasure to read. Trump chump chump Trump chump Trump Trump chump chump chump Trump chump Trump Trump.
      What an inspiration.
      I used to only vote Republican or occassionally Green Party but do to Anonymous 6:22's soul shaking words, I would never again be a chump for Trump.
      Oh, so beautiful...

  2. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Turning our nations back on Hong Kong and it's residents in order to sell more Missouri soybeans and corn to China...that's another no-brainer isn't it?

    Or should we do that to allow Wal Mart to import more cheap made in China goods?

    Either way, a no-brainer! At least according to a lot of Trump's chumps.

    Can a person tell whether or not Sham Graves might just possibly be another chump for Trump?

  3. Anonymous4:28 AM

    He is the "best?" that money can buy, go get 'em Graves. We have gone from intelligent and considerate people in our Congress to lap dogs like Hawley, Blunt, Long and Graves. Wait, what is the other one, the female that has not put out a public statement idolizing our idiot in chief.

  4. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Oh, the rhymes... are you going old school beat poet or you more of a modern MC?

  5. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Facts don't matter. Stick to the narrative. Stick to the narrative.
