Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Joplin Proposition B passes by wide margin

Joplin voters passed Proposition B by a wide margin today, casting 3,352 votes or 77 percent in favor and 974 votes for 23 percent against.

With the passage of the issue, a half-cent sales tax will go toward Joplin Police Department and Fire Department pensions.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I wonder what new scheme the city fathers will use to get more "revenue". A city is usually headed toward the bottom when they starve public safety and demand new tax revenue or else, instead of in this case cutting or ending some of the 1,600 city programs that are officially all equally vital and untouchable. But maybe that was just spawned from withdrawal symptoms from all the cash they got due to the tornado. And we can be thankful they are spending plenty of money keeping the public works systems in pretty good shape, streets, sewers and stormwater runoff.
