Monday, December 23, 2019

Ann Wagner: Impeachment is a charade by Democrats who have fought President Trump from day one

(From Second District Congresswoman Ann Wagner)

This week I chose the Constitution over partisanship and cast my vote against the articles of impeachment. This is a crime-less impeachment and we saw Democrats vote to undermine the results of an election without a single Republican joining them.

My full statement is below:

"Today I chose the Constitution over partisanship and cast my vote against the articles of impeachment. These impeachment articles do not come close to the constitutional standards of treason, bribery, or high crimes and misdemeanors.

"Our Republic relies on robust political disagreements, but political disagreements are not cause for impeachment of a duly elected President. Democrats were outraged when President Trump was elected, and many immediately declared their intention to impeach him.

"Well, I am outraged by the behavior I have witnessed during these proceedings. This is a crime-less impeachment and today we saw Democrats vote to undermine the results of an election without a single Republican joining them.

"The impeachment crusade has been a painfully partisan and unjust process. This sets a terrible precedent for future Congresses if the Speaker of the House can ram through an impeachment without overwhelming support from Congress and the people.

"Speaker Pelosi committed earlier this year to a nonpartisan process. It is sad to see she succumbed to the progressive voices of her caucus and set a dangerous precedent for the future of our country. This is a charade orchestrated by Democrat politicians who have fought to defeat President Trump since day one.

"We must stop the divisiveness. Now is the time to focus on what brings us together and get back to work for the American families who depend on us to represent their best interests in Congress."


  1. Anonymous8:33 AM

    She's going to get the rage snowflake goober vote all locked up!

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Snowflake? Snowflake is a term given to those on the left, Sugar. Stop appropriating other people's culture.

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

    She's going to get the rage white flake goober vote all locked up!

    Does that make you feel better Jethro?

    1. Anonymous8:54 PM

      Oh, you are one of those inclusive liberals who call names and belittle people that you don't know simply because they may disagree with you, uh? Well Sweatheart, your rainbow flag all seem to be one color.
      I would guess you are white, male and born in the four state area. Your self loathing is palatable.

  3. Liberal9:55 AM

    The self important and delusional conservative can’t understand why Biden wasn’t investigated when the Repugnicans controlled both houses and the presidency. It’s because there was no crime for the morons too investigate, it’s all whataboutism with the addled, can’t make a coherent argument so just say whaddabout. Trump is guilty, morons that support him are just that, bugger eating morons. Doesn’t understand democratic socialism even though he possibly attended public schools and will be crying for his social security check.

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Add delusional to the list of adjectives describing liberals. No crimes committed? Ok. Completely legal and ethical. No quid pro quo with Biden... even though there is audio of him saying there was.

      Trump is quilty of what, Honey? You clowns keep saying guilty but you don't say of what.

      I never attended a public school. My children have never attended a public school. When the time comes I will accept my social security che k only because the government has taken money from my pay. It is kind of like a forced savings account that draws very little interest, but it is my money. Why would I cry for it ? Besides the fact that if I could have invested it like the rest of my savings it would have been much more than what the return the mother state will give me.

      Now, go read a book, brush your one good tooth, say a prayer to your gods in Washington and get a good nights sleep dreaming about all the things in the world that you can't wrap your tiny peanut brain around, Hot Pants.

  4. Liberal7:00 AM


    You are definitely a hoot with your fourth grade scribes. You didn’t attend public schools, eh? Pray tell, where could you have attended, religious school with your misogynist ramblings? Montessori private schools for those expanding their horizons. Haha. You were most likely home schooled, by a parent with little to no education, assuming you are not a liar as well as ignorant. Biden, like Trump is ethically challenged by allowing nepotism, but at least Biden didn’t put his son into a government position like Donald the con. Is it illegal, no it is not for the addled mind. Your grasp of reality is tenuous at best, and while your ignorance is amusing, your writing style suggests an inbred home schooled moron.

  5. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Poor liberal gets upset because he/she belches ignorance about someone needing public schools and then finds out people aren't dependent on public schools.

    Poor liberal thinks it is ok to use a position of power to line one's pockets. That is, it is ok if you are a Democrat.

    Poor liberal can't help but make ridiculous assumptions and accusations about strangers on the internet.

    So poor liberal who feels as if he/she has been the victim of misogyny, tell me more about myself. I want to see if you can keep your streak of getting absolutely nothing right alive.

    Meanwhile, you have not one time in your anger, jealousy fueled rants truly defended any of your stances. You simply do the liberal thing of call names and try to belittle. All without one ounce of irony.

    Once again, go brush your tooth, Chum. I can smell your rancid medical marijuana breath from here, Eldon.

  6. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Hey Liberal and Anonymous, let me act as referee going forward on this unless you two have gotten a room already.
    Let's leave out the personal attacks about teeth and calling each morons. Since neither one you know the other, it is kind of pointless.
    So, Anon says Joe Biden is guilty of using his office to advance his family and Liberal says big deal you are just using the well someone else did it too argument.
    Liberal seems to concede though that Joe Biden did in fact do this because Liberal states that Joe Biden has "challenges" in this area.
    Since the rest of both your posts have been utter horseshit and not actually stating any facts, I will score it 1-0, Anonymous for now.

  7. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Nah, his/her tooth is fair game.
