Friday, December 13, 2019

Billy Long: You had me at turn hog manure into clean energy

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

This week, the Energy and Commerce Committee hosted an Energy and Environment Innovation Showcase in Washington. Its purpose was to highlight companies and organizations from across the U.S. that are using innovative technologies to address climate change and strengthen our energy security. It showcased how supporting research and technologically-driven policy can achieve significant results in addressing climate change.

As a member of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change I recognize the importance of providing reliable yet affordable energy sources that are not detrimental to the environment; a view shared by both Democrats and Republicans. We will continue to work together to develop pragmatic solutions and realistic goals, which is a balance that was highlighted in the showcase.

As a member of the subcommittee, I was asked to invite a business or organization that uses innovative approaches to energy consumption and conservation. I invited Missouri-based Roeslein Alternative Energy. 

Roeslein partnered with Smithfield Foods to produce renewable natural gas (RNG) from hog manure. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), defined by the United States Department of Agriculture as an intensive animal feeding operation wherein over 1000 animals are confined for over 45 days a year, can be controversial because of the large amounts of waste produced and the odor associated with raising these animals. 

Roeslein’s RNG production system successfully converts animal waste into clean energy, addressing both the problems associated with CAFO while moving towards more environmentally-friendly and renewable energy sources. 

What’s even more impressive about their clean energy initiative are the glowing ratings they’ve received for their process. 

Roeslein recently received the lowest Carbon Intensity Score (CI) ever recorded by the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard, which is not an easy task. CI scores are measured by the direct levels of greenhouse gas emissions associated with producing, transporting, and using an energy source.

While reports suggest that Missouri has room to improve its clean energy efforts, clean energy supports over 55,000 jobs across the state, boasting a growth rate faster than its overall job growth. 

As a result, clean energy jobs now represent two percent of all jobs in Missouri. These figures show how our state is moving towards a cleaner energy portfolio without radical and restrictive legislation like the Green New Deal. 

With more companies across the state taking concrete steps to use renewable energy alternatives, passing legislation that forces businesses to do something they’re already pursuing voluntarily is not only unnecessary but could derail progress.

Policies like the Green New Deal would not only dramatically increase our national debt, they offer no realistic pathways towards increasing the availability of clean energy; the notion that our nation could immediately eliminate fossil fuels, nuclear power, and the vast majority of modern transportation options is unrealistic at best. 

Rather than legislate based on knee-jerk reactions, we need to recognize the value of taking a realistic business-like approach to tackling climate change, and this event highlighted the success companies across the country are having in addressing climate change including right here in the ‘Show-Me State.’


  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    If anyone ought to be an expert at hog manure it could be Billy Long!
    Now I bet you would really have his attention if you announced you could use your alchemy to turn hog manure into a Las Vegas casino buffet.

    Genuine Missouri hog manure- GIT YOU SUM!

    Wooo Pig Sooie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Don't even pretend you give a care about the National Debt Billy.

  3. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Just make sure your citizens do not fully understand that you care more about money than protecting the constitution you swore to protect, unless more money comes your way by screwing the future generations of ignorant Missourians. It is no wonder why fewer and fewer people vote anymore as faith in the system is broken so badly they have given up. 90% want gun control, but no real true gun control comes forth. You have people like Moscow Mitch who vow not to take up any legislation put forth no matter how it will help those less fortunate. Let us not even get into the Christian right and their ministers who are afraid to tell their group that to hate all those non-whites is so wrong. How positive are they that Jesus was white and not brown or black? Maybe it is all in their head like honest politicians.

  4. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Congressman Billy Long, his friends and donors, and the Washington DC government teat. A short story where smart people already know the plot and how it ends. Check Billy's donor list now and in six months. A guy has to be able to get to Las Vegas regularly in order to meet with all the people he needs to meet to stay properly fed up!

    This is yet another one of those illustrations of how sometimes that big government spending is a good thing that he's proud of when he's getting something for his friends. This is what Republicans call 'constituent service' and 'investing for the future' instead of than 'adding to the national debt' and 'welfare'.

    If there is a better friend of big ag and the CAFO industry than Billy "free trade but not too free" Long then SHOW ME!

    Who cares if there is so much CAFO poop in the waters of the state to the point that water in the stream is not fit for drinking or swimming? Now the scientists tell us about those manure caused toxic algae blooms and Pfiesteriosis. Not to mention the stench can be enough to peel the paint off your house or pickup truck! Good thing the Trump Administration moving the USDA closer to the problems. (Or is the USDA being moved closer to the problems so that the people and CAFO companies causing the problems will have more access and influence over the agency and people supposedly regulating their industries?)

