Saturday, December 21, 2019

Jason Smith: The Democrats impeached President Trump because they know they can't beat him in the next election

(From Eighth District Congressman Jason Smith)

For the first time in our nation’s history, the U.S. House of Representatives has impeached a duly elected President of the United States with an entirely partisan vote.

The politically motivated impeachment of President Donald Trump had no due process and was rife with bias. 

Throughout this entire circus the Left has not been motivated by facts or fairness, but by their blind hatred of President Trump, his voters, and everything he has accomplished. They have been determined to impeach him since Day One with false claims they made up as they went along.

Democrats claimed that they were holding this impeachment vote because they were concerned for the sanctity of our government and the stability of our republic. That’s simply not true. They voted to impeach President Trump because they know they can’t beat him in the next election.

In fact, one of my Democrat colleagues is quoted stating: “I'm concerned. If we don't impeach him, he will get re-elected.” This kind of rhetoric is disgusting.

Impeachment is not a political weapon, but a profoundly serious provision of the U.S. Constitution to be used only under the most dire circumstances.

Unfortunately, at the end of the day, we should not be surprised by what the Left has done. The Democrats have introduced articles of impeachment against five of the last six Republican Presidents.

Or, to put it another way, every single Republican President who has been elected by the American people for almost the last 60 years has had articles of impeachment introduced against them.

Their most recent attempt shows that they will do whatever is necessary to remove a President who gets in the way of their partisan agenda. They truly are the party of impeachment.

This extremism is exactly the reason why after the impeachment vote, one of Nancy Pelosi’s own Majority Caucus members denounced the Democrat party and switched his affiliation to the Republican Party and Donald Trump.

President Trump did not commit a single impeachable crime; the Democrats know this. That’s why this sham process moved TWENTY times faster than President Clinton’s.

Speaker Pelosi and her liberal lieutenants have shredded the Constitution while desperately trying to get rid of our President, because they fear President Trump’s policies and how well they are working for American families all across this country.

The irony is after rushing through impeachment because they claimed the President was a threat to the Constitution, Nancy Pelosi is now holding up actually sending the impeachment case over to the Senate. It’s like she knows that her shoddy work product rife with political bias has no evidence and stands no chance in the Senate, so she is now getting cold feet.

I am proud to have voted against this partisan impeachment and I continue to stand with President Trump.

It’s sad that instead of working with the President to achieve historic results for the American people, the liberal mob majority has consistently chosen to undermine him, the rule of law, and the Constitution by putting their partisan politics first. I’ve always had one rule in this job, and that’s to put people before politics.
f t # e


  1. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Trump listens to Putin because???

    Republicans support Trump who listens to Putin because???

    Republicans listen to Trump's lawyer Giuliani (who is not paid by Trump but works for Trump for free but is apparently paid by a number of foreign individuals) who is interviewed on Russian TV spouting the same nonsense conspiracy theories that Trump spouts because???

  2. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Liberals, Democrats, leftists, clueless monkeys.

    If this impeachment isn't just a partisan move to effect the 2020 election, then why delay delivering it for trial?

  3. Anonymous4:03 PM

    "House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) accused President Trump of being paid by Russian President Vladimir Putin back in 2016, according to a report resurfacing a conversation between McCarthy and other Republicans.

    The Washington Post reported Wednesday that McCarthy made the stunning remarks in a private conversation on Capitol Hill.

    “There’s two people I think Putin pays: [California Republican Dana] Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy said, according to the report.

    The Post reports that Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) stopped the conversation immediately and made the members present swear to secrecy.

    “No leaks,” Ryan said. “This is how we know we’re a real family here.”"

  4. Anonymous5:10 PM

    “Everything I do during this, I will be coordinating with White House counsel,” McConnell told Fox News last week, adding that there will be “no difference between the president’s position and our position as to how to handle this.”

    All the posturing and whimpering by from Republicans about the “lack of due process” in the House impeachment is impossible to take seriously when they refuse to call witnesses or ask for documents in the Senate trial.

    Apparently due process matters only in the chamber run by Democrats.

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      What are you babbling about, ma'am?
