Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Lacy Clay during impeachment debate: Our founding fathers feared a lawless, amoral president

In a speech moments ago on the House floor, First District Congressman Lacy Clay, D-St. Louis, spoke in favor of President Trump's impeachment for his "repeated abuse of power" and "unprecedented misuse of the presidency to weaken the separation of powers."

"Our founding fathers feared a lawless, amoral president who would willfully put national security at risk for his own personal gain."

The accompanying audio is from St. Louis Public Radio.


  1. they also feared a legislative arm not checked by the other two branches.....sore losers...plot their revenge

  2. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Thy founding fathers also should have feared a president who is so unhinged from reality that he attempts to convince his deplorable base that they have to flush their toilets ten times, 15 times, in order to send their number two to the ocean or wherever it opposed to once as most normal people do at most times...

    Thy founding fathers also should have feared that a significant portion of the electorate would either happily listen to the unhinged president spout his ten flush 15 flush nonsense or that a significant portion of the electorate would actually be as full of number two as their unhinged the point that the 3 inch waste lines diameter specified in the gubmint plumbing codes is no longer adequate...

  3. Hate breeds a noxious lack of reality...sure Trump acts like a spoiled Ahole but he has accomplished a lot of what he ran on...
